Option Trading Podcast

Seperti yang didiskusikan dengan teman-teman saya di sini adalah rencana yang bisa membantu Peremajaan merevitalisasi dan membuatnya lebih relevan bagi lebih banyak pengguna. Aset inti Twitter8217 adalah sifat sesaat dari produk. Twitter adalah platform yang menggulingkan pemerintah. Namun, sifat singkat produk yang sama juga menghambat pertumbuhannya. Misalnya, tidak ada cara yang baik bagi pengguna baru untuk melihat-lihat catatan sejarah dan melihat apa yang membuat Twitter begitu hebat dan mengapa mereka harus peduli. Keluhan yang saya dapatkan dari orang-orang ketika saya berbicara dengan mereka tentang Twitter adalah bahwa tidak ada konteks yang sulit didapat ke8221. Jadi apa yang membuat Twitter berbeda dari jejaring sosial lainnya Menurut pendapat saya itu adalah realtime, melanggar berita sifat produk. Tidak ada jaringan sosial lain yang menawarkan fitur itu dengan sangat baik seperti Twitter. Tapi yang saya pikirkan adalah, karena waktu adalah komponen inti Twitter, mengapa begitu sedikit perhatian di UI. Dan karena kita berbicara tentang waktu8230 Dalam pengalaman umum manusia, adalah waktu vertikal atau horizontal yang akan saya bantah bahwa waktu umumnya dialami sebagai fenomena horisontal. Untuk waktu yang ada, kita perlu melakukan perjalanan melalui ruang angkasa, dan dalam banyak hal merupakan pengalaman horisontal. Di mobil, pesawat, kereta api, dll. Berpikir tentang waktu sebagai horisontal, bukan vertikal, bukanlah ide baru untuk perangkat lunak. Pertimbangkan semua perangkat lunak pengeditan audio dan video yang sebagian besar menjadikan waktu sebagai artefak horisontal. Scrubbing amp Time Zoom Salah satu fitur hebat dari perangkat lunak pengeditan audio dan video adalah kemampuan untuk dengan mudah meraih dan mengurangi waktu garis belakang dan ke depan. Ditambah dengan kemampuan untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil resolusi waktu, sangat mudah untuk menavigasi garis waktu ke bagian yang Anda minati. (Klik untuk memperbesar) Menempatkan semua ini bersama-sama tidak sulit untuk memvisualisasikan cara baru untuk Menggunakan Twitter Sebuah TimeWall yang terus bergerak menyamping pada kecepatan waktu8221. Dengan kemampuan untuk melipatgandakan percakapan dengan membuangnya ke kiri dan kanan. Juga dengan kemampuan zoom-in dan out hingga menit, jam, hari, bulan, tahun. Saat diperbesar ke resolusi waktu, ui dan backend menyoroti percakapan terpenting dari kerangka waktu itu. Pikirkan Laporan Minoritas. TimeWall baru ini akan memberi pengguna kemampuan untuk terhubung ke 8220an pada waktu8221 dan akan membuka semua konten arsip yang tersimpan di Twitter8217s. Selanjutnya, Twitter akhirnya memiliki kemampuan untuk memiliki content8221 8220long. Ini akan jauh lebih bersahabat bagi pengguna baru yang bisa menjelajahi Twitter sepenuhnya menggunakan fitur kalibrasi dan zoom yang baru. Konten jangka panjang juga bisa meningkatkan luas permukaan Google SEO Twitter8217s. Yang berarti isinya adalah jebakan lalat yang jauh lebih besar dan lebih banyak orang akan melihat konten twitter di hasil pencarian lebih sering. Meski TimeWall penuh tidak sesuai untuk ponsel secara lebih potret, alat penggosok waktu dan alat zoom inout waktu masih berfungsi sebagai alat navigasi utama, bahkan dengan daftar tweet vertikal biasa. Tentu saja, bagi banyak perangkat mobile dalam mode landscape, tidak akan ada masalah. Jelas, ini hanya permulaan, tapi dengan lebih banyak pemikiran dan iterasi dari tim inti penguat Twitter8217s ada satu ton utilitas yang bisa dibuka di sini. Siapa tahu, ini mungkin akan memulai sebuah revolusi Twitter. Untuk diskusi lebih lanjut lihat Hacker News. Selamat berlibur. Jika Anda menyukai saya, jaringan kabel Samsung Smart HUB TV Anda berhenti bekerja tanpa alasan yang masuk akal. Namun router Anda bekerja dengan baik, dan perangkat lain di router juga bekerja dengan baik. Hmm. Saya menghabiskan berjam-jam menjelajah internet dan tidak menemukan solusi. Saya tersandung pada perbaikan yang adalah untuk .. 1) Buka pengaturan jaringan. 2) Klik ke pengaturan IP. 3) Klik setel secara manual. 4) Kemudian ubah sedikit pengaturan sekitar sedikit. 5) Kemudian klik set secara otomatis. 6) Lakukan langkah 3 5 sekali lagi. Ini memaksa sistem untuk meminta router untuk menyediakan kembali alamat ip jaringan DHCP, dan saya yakin ini memperbaiki masalahnya. Ini juga menghentikan kebutuhan untuk me-reset ke pengaturan pabrik (yang BTW tidak mengubah pengaturan jaringan) Model saya adalah UN40ES6500F tapi saya pikir PBB akan memiliki masalah serupa. Baru-baru ini, banyak artikel yang ada di Bitcoin. Begitu banyak sehingga, rasanya seperti persekongkolan untuk menyebarkan FUD Dengan pemikiran itu, inilah argumen balasan saya terhadap beberapa pesan anti-bitcoin yang lebih umum. Ingatlah ini hanya pendapat saya, tolong jangan menghabiskan uang berdasarkan renungan saya di bawah FUD: Ahli ekonomi berpendidikan menganggap Bitcoin adalah sampah dan tidak pergi ke mana Sejarah dikotori dengan contoh pemikiran yang mengganggu yang tidak dapat dipahami oleh para ahli dan sebagai Hasilnya membuat prediksi yang benar-benar salah. Misalnya di tahun 2007 Matthew Lynn, seorang jurnalis keuangan, mengumumkan bahwa iPhone itu tidak lebih dari barang mewah yang akan menarik beberapa aneh gadget .8221. Sebenarnya, berkali-kali orang tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi dengan satu atau lain cara. Lebih jauh lagi, saya berpendapat bahwa sulit bagi para ekonom terdidik untuk memprediksi hasil Bitcoin, karena Bitcoin datang untuk mengikuti spesialisasi yang sama sekali berbeda (yaitu perangkat lunak dan kriptografi). FUD: Bitcoin adalah penipuan jangka pendek untuk menghasilkan uang dengan cepat Sebagian besar pengguna Bitcoin tidak bertindak seperti itu. Sebenarnya, salah satu argumen terbesar melawan Bitcoin yang menjadi mata uang stabil adalah pengguna sebagian besar menimbun Bitcoin untuk keuntungan jangka panjang. Spekulan ini membeli Bitcoin untuk jangka panjang karena mereka yakin Bitcoin akan naik nilainya dalam jangka panjang. Sebagai contoh, si kembar Winklevoss membeli Bitcoin senilai 11 juta, dengan harapan bahwa dalam jangka panjang mereka akan melipatgandakan investasinya secara substansial. FUD: Bitcoin adalah skema Ponzi yang mirip dengan membandingkan apel dengan jeruk. Skema Ponzi membayar kembali kepada investornya dari uang yang dibayarkan oleh investor berikutnya, sampai akhirnya tidak ada investor baru dan semuanya macet. Di sisi lain, Bitcoin adalah mata uang kripto dengan nilai tukar yang berfluktuasi yang mengapung dengan bebas setiap hari 8211 seperti emas, dolar, euro, dll. Bitcoin juga merupakan lapisan transportasi tanpa gesekan yang memungkinkan pembayaran digital melintasi rekan kerja. - to-peer network. FUD: Bitcoin secara inheren deflasi. Jadi kurang uang bagi semua orang untuk dibelanjakan. Ini buruk. Bitcoin membahas masalah ini dengan memiliki 8 tempat desimal. Semakin tinggi nilai Bitcoin naik, semakin kecil ukuran transaksi desimal akan menjadi. Setiap tempat desimal memiliki nama, dengan unit terkecil menjadi Satoshi 1. Jika 1 Bitcoin bernilai sebanyak satu juta dolar 1 Satoshi masih hanya bernilai 1 sen dolar. Dengan kata lain, tidak perlu mencetak mata uang baru, kita bisa menggunakan unit Bitcoin yang lebih kecil. FUD: Bitcoin tidak bisa menjadi mata uang karena orang menimbun Bitcoin dan volume transaksi terlalu rendah. Orang membuat argumen ini karena mereka membandingkan Bitcoin dalam keadaan saat ini dengan mata uang modern. Namun, saya berpendapat bahwa Bitcoin belum berkembang jauh melampaui titik emas menjadi toko nilai. Pada periode awal emas itu tidak persis gesek, volume tinggi, transaksi tinggi, komoditas. Itu terjadi setelah emas-buru-buru emas berakhir di saku rata-rata Joe. Bahkan saat itu, emas tidak pernah menjadi mata uang modern yang benar-benar tanpa gesekan sampai kertas mewakili emas dalam sistem moneter standar emas. Kami sudah memiliki ATM Bitcoin. Coinbase. Dan banyak usaha Bitcoin lainnya. Sekarang ingatlah pikiran Anda lima tahun ke depan dan pertimbangkan semua perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras lainnya yang bisa membuat Bitcoin lebih mudah digunakan. Begitu perangkat ini dikerahkan ke pasar konsumen, masuk akal bahwa likuiditas Bitcoin akan meningkat. Pertimbangan lainnya adalah likuiditas sejati tidak akan terjadi pada tingkat BtC penuh, kemungkinan konsumen akan memperdagangkan pecahan Bitcoin daripada seluruh Bitcoin. FUD: Bitcoin akan mendevaluasi atau merosot karena penjahat menggunakan botnet untuk menambang koin dengan listrik gratis. Jika Bitcoin bergerak menuju adopsi konsumen massal, hasil ini menjadi kurang dari probabilitas. Coinbase sudah memiliki 650k pengguna sah yang diverifikasi dan tentu saja ini hanyalah puncak gunung es. Teknologi Bitcoin memungkinkan transaksi berbasis nilai gesek tanpa batas. Ide ini sangat berguna dan virus. Efek virus mungkin diperkuat saat penyedia perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras mulai mengintegrasikan Bitcoin ke dalam arus kerja dan produk setiap hari. Dengan cukup banyak pengguna, argumen ini menjadi lemah karena penggunaan Bitcoin oleh jaringan kriminal hanya akan mewakili sebagian kecil pasar. FUD: Bitcoin dirancang untuk menghindari pajak. Itu seperti mengatakan bahwa uang tunai USD dirancang untuk menghindari pajak. Ya, sangat mungkin menggunakan uang tunai untuk menghindari pajak dengan melewatkannya di bawah meja dan tidak mengumumkannya ke pemerintah. Namun, jika Anda menggunakan uang tunai dalam konstruksi normal masyarakat (misalnya toko), itu akan dilalui melalui berbagai sistem (seperti cash register) yang akan mencatat transaksi. Saya berpendapat bahwa pada saat Bitcoin menjadi konsumen dengan volume tinggi yang diperdagangkan kebanyakan transaksi akan melewati beberapa bentuk cash register. FUD: Bitcoin jahat Mengingat kecepatan teknologi modern, dengan satu atau lain cara, mata uang digital murni ada di masa depan kita. Bahkan jika Bitcoin gagal, sesuatu yang sangat mirip akan menggantikannya. Bitcoin bisa dibilang salah satu representasi kejahatan digital yang kurang baik karena dianggap de-terpusat. Setelah wahyu NSA baru-baru ini, tampaknya sangat bodoh untuk mempercayai pemerintah dengan sesuatu yang sehebat mata uang digital yang diatur sepenuhnya sehingga mereka bisa memanfaatkan 100 kekayaan siapa pun dengan satu klik tombol. FUD: Kurangnya peraturan untuk memfasilitasi pasar ilegal Perlu dicatat bahwa pemerintah dan aparat penegak hukum kita sama sekali tidak berguna. Misalnya FBI benar-benar mampu menutup Silk Road. Jaring obat terlarang pasar gelap. Ada juga argumen kontra bahwa dengan mempermudah penjahat untuk terhubung dan bertransaksi melalui situs web pasar terpusat, akan memudahkan lembaga penegak hukum untuk melacak komunitas kriminal, yang jika tidak bertindak dengan cara yang jauh lebih terdispersi dan tidak dapat dilacak . FUD: Satu persen teratas pengguna Bitcoin memiliki 40 persen Bitcoin yang saya sebut bahwa 1 persen teratas orang Amerika memiliki 40 persen kekayaan negara. Ternyata jenis distribusi kekayaan inilah yang menjadi norma. Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa saya menyukainya, saya tidak mengerti bagaimana argumen ini mengandung bobot mengenai Bitcoin. FUD: Bitcoin mempermudah penjahat untuk berbisnis satu sama lain. Ya, tapi juga mempermudah pelaku kriminal untuk berbisnis satu sama lain. Karena ada lebih banyak penjahat selain penjahat, orang dapat dengan mudah berdebat bahwa sifat lamban Bitcoin dapat menawarkan manfaat bagi masyarakat pada umumnya yang melebihi kelemahan ini. Misalnya, Bitcoin mempermudah pemilik bisnis independen di negara-negara dunia ketiga untuk berdagang dengan negara-negara lain di dunia. FUD: Pengadopsi awal cenderung menghasilkan keuntungan, kemudian pengadopsinya sama dengan usaha terkait bisnis mana pun yang pertama melibatkan orang-orang yang mengambil semua risiko sosial dan finansial. Ada banyak usaha pada mata uang virtual yang dihasilkan tanpa adopsi dan investor awal kehilangan 100. Bitcoin mungkin saja dengan mudah melakukannya. Namun, Bitcoin nampaknya adalah versi mata uang virtual yang akhirnya menyerang akord. Pergantian kejadian ini sama seperti waktu dan keberuntungan karena ini adalah hal lain. Mengapa kita harus menganiaya batch pengadopsi awal untuk teknologi khusus ini? Apa perbedaan antara ini dan yang membeli saham Google di 85 yang sekarang 1000 Jika seseorang saat ini membeli Google di 1000 adalah mereka pengisap, atau hanya investor yang melewatkan kesempatan awal FUD: Bitcoin akan gagal saat uang 8220real8221 sepenuhnya didigitalkan Ini jauh lebih mudah untuk menciptakan mata uang digital yang berdiri sendiri dan mandiri daripada mencoba untuk mengikat uang ke mekanisme transportasi digital yang terintegrasi penuh dengan segala sesuatu di dunia ini. Sebagai contoh, misalnya, federasi tersebut memutuskan untuk membuat sistem transportasi digital yang serupa dengan Bitcoin yang bisa membawa uang 8282real18221 sekitar8230, ini akan menjadi usaha besar bagi mereka untuk benar-benar mengintegrasikannya ke semua toko, bank dan infrastruktur keuangan yang ada. Perlu waktu bertahun-tahun, pada saat itu Bitcoin mungkin tertanam dalam budaya komersial kita sehingga terbukti sulit atau tidak mungkin untuk dihapus. FUD: Perangkat lunak penambangan Bitcoin didistribusikan sebagai perangkat lunak perusak Jika komputer Anda rentan terhadap perangkat lunak perusak yang dapat menambang Bitcoin, komputer Anda juga rentan terhadap perangkat lunak perusak yang dapat mencuri informasi kartu kredit Anda, membajak kamera video Anda, dsb. Dengan kata lain, Anda harus Amankan komputermu FUD: Penambangan Bitcoin memiliki jejak karbon yang mengerikan Tidak mencetak uang, stamping bullion, dan koin minting juga memiliki jejak karbon Jika Anda mengukur semua komputer bank di seluruh dunia, jejak karbon seperti apa yang akan Anda temukan Bitcoin tidak berbeda dengan yang lain. Industri yang menggunakan listrik untuk menciptakan suatu produk atau jasa. Sama sekali tidak ada yang menghentikan penambang Bitcoin menggunakan mesin yang bertenaga surya atau bertenaga angin. Sebenarnya saya bisa membayangkan itu akan menjadi titik penjualan bagi para penambang Bitcoin untuk menjual koin dengan harga premium yang telah disurvei.8221. Meski begitu, secara pribadi saya ingin melihat masalah ini ditangani oleh yayasan Bitcoin. Tampaknya sangat mungkin ada pendekatan teknis untuk mengatasi kelemahan ini. Poin sebenarnya di sini adalah Bitcoin adalah teknologi yang sangat mengganggu yang berpotensi mengubah hidup kita pada tingkat fundamental dan mungkin alasan utama mengapa hal itu menimbulkan banyak kontroversi. Semoga artikel ini bisa membantu beberapa orang mengkaji ulang asumsi mereka tentang Bitcoin. Bagaimanapun, seperti yang saya nyatakan di bagian atas artikel ini, ini hanya pendapat saya, tolong jangan menghabiskan uang berdasarkan renungan saya. Yang mengatakan, jika Anda telah menemukan artikel ini berguna dan memiliki beberapa satoshi8217s untuk cadangan, pertimbangkan untuk mempertimbangkan sumbangan Bitcoin ke: 19rN88GkWwLfKBn6Kue5wGrWWq2KnqDQRk nSpeed ​​kecepatan di mana startup mampu membangun dan melepaskan fitur baru. Untuk menjadi jelas, estimasi nSpeed ​​di bawah adalah perkiraan pribadi saya dan bukan fakta ilmiah. Namun, saya harap mereka menggambarkan poin utama saya yaitu kerumitan perangkat lunak dan bisnis yang sangat memperlambat tingkat di mana tim teknis dapat merilis fitur baru. Fakta bahwa banyak orang non-teknis sulit dipahami. Tahap 1 Bergerak dari ide ke prototipe nSpeed ​​1 Kemungkinan nSpeed ​​maksimum adalah selama fase prototipe. Salah satu pengembang mampu membangun petak produk dengan kecepatan patah. Tidak ada yang menghalangi pengembang untuk memikirkan dan membangun fitur baru. Tidak ada pengguna, tidak ada perawatan, tidak ada sysops, dll. 100 upaya menghasilkan fitur baru. Tahap 2 Melepaskan versi alfa ke teman dan keluarga nSpeed ​​0.75 Kelompok pertama yang menggunakan produk perangkat lunak biasanya adalah sekelompok kecil teman dan keluarga. Pada titik ini pengembang tidak bisa lagi mencurahkan 100 usaha untuk membangun fitur baru. Mereka perlu mulai memperbaiki bug, mendukung pengguna dan mengingat tidak melanggar produk kerja. Tahap 3 Melepaskan versi beta ke pengadopsi awal nSpeed ​​0.5 Selama fase ini, basis pengguna biasanya akan tumbuh dari puluhan hingga ratusan pengguna. Pengembang sekarang perlu mulai berpikir untuk membangun lingkungan produksi yang stabil. Kode harus dikontrol dengan lebih ketat, server pengujian perlu digunakan, lebih banyak waktu diambil oleh sysops, lebih banyak bug dilaporkan dan permintaan dukungan lebih banyak dimulai. Tahap 4 Melepaskan versi v1.0 ke masyarakat umum nSpeed ​​0.25 Dengan adopsi pengguna yang sukses, banyak tantangan. Pengembang perlu memulai pengkodean dengan skala dalam pikiran. Mereka perlu mulai menambahkan hal-hal seperti job queueing, asynchronous code, load balancing, database sharding dan sub sistem terkait lainnya. Dari sini, semua kode baru perlu bekerja dalam konteks arsitektur terdistribusi tinggi. Selain itu, kenaikan biaya overhead bisnis selama fase ini adalah lebih banyak lagi pertemuan produk dll. Tahap 5 1 tahun setelah merilis V1.0 nSpeed ​​0.125 Setelah 1 tahun, basis kode dapat berkembang menjadi 100 k baris kode. Prosedur pengujian dan penyebaran sekarang jauh lebih kompleks. Ada ratusan bug di backlog. Sistem pendukung kini telah mengambil hidup mereka sendiri. Operasi sistem adalah pekerjaan penuh waktu. Menambahkan kode baru sekarang membutuhkan jumlah pemikiran, diskusi dan perhatian detail yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Tahap 6 Menjadi perusahaan menengah sampai besar 8211 nSpeed ​​Sebuah perusahaan dengan 50-100 karyawan menderita semua biaya overhead di atas dengan faktor resistensi tambahan untuk bekerja dengan banyak orang. Yang menjadi pekerjaan satu orang sekarang menjadi keseluruhan departemen. Hambatan antar departemen, tape merah dan pertemuan memperlambat semua orang secara besar-besaran. Efek molase begitu hebat, saya bahkan tidak sempat menebak nSpeed. Mari kita bayangkan bahwa Mark Zuckerberg adalah satu-satunya pengembang yang pernah bekerja di Facebook. Jika Anda menganggapnya sebagai pengembang tunggal, berpindah dari satu fase ke tahap berikutnya, tidak sulit membayangkan bagaimana nSpeed ​​setiap fase baru menjadi lebih lambat. Misalnya, jika dia sendiri mengerjakan produk untuk membawanya ke tahap 5 (dengan jutaan pengguna, arsitektur terdistribusi, dll.), Nampaknya sangat mungkin dia akan mendorong fitur baru yang jauh lebih lambat daripada selama nol Fase prototyping tanggung jawab I8217m akan menebak setidaknya 10x lebih lambat. Saya pikir banyak orang mengerti bahwa jauh lebih lambat untuk berkembang dalam sistem yang kompleks daripada mengembangkannya dengan mudah. Namun, saya tidak yakin dengan pengetahuan umumnya, seberapa lambat hal itu bisa terjadi seiring berjalannya waktu. Jika Anda seorang pengembang, saya akan sangat tertarik untuk mendengar dugaan Anda tentang fase nSpeeds dari fase apa yang mungkin terjadi. Paling tidak, saya harap artikel ini membantu menggambarkan mengapa tim teknologi Anda secara bertahap semakin lambat Ruben Gamez (Bidsketch) Meliputi seluruh spektrum perjalanan Rubens dari proyek sampingan ke perusahaan bootstrap mandiri yang baru dicetak. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Corey Maass (The Birdy) Coreys cerita sangat mengesankan dan menunjukkan upaya yang diperlukan untuk bootstrap. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Ted Pitts amp Harry Hollander (Moraware) Beberapa kebenaran sejati. Cerita hebat tentang dua micropreneur berpengalaman membangun biz yang lamban dan mantap. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Michael Sliwinski (Nozbe) Tentang bagaimana dia bisa melakukan bootstrap proyek sampingan Anda sendiri ke startup yang sukses yang mempekerjakan selusin orang dan melayani puluhan ribu pelanggan yang membayar. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Amy Hoy (Freckle) Tentang bagaimana dia bisa melepaskan diri dari belenggu pekerjaan penuh waktu dan melepaskan diri dari stres pada roda hamster lepas dengan mengembangkan kerajaan produk daringnya sendiri. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Rob Walling (HitTail Part 1) Episode asli tentang perolehan HitTail. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Klip audio: Adobe Flash Player (versi 9 atau di atas) diperlukan untuk memutar klip audio ini. Download versi terbaru disini. Anda juga harus mengaktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda. Bootstraporn mungkin cara lain untuk mengeja itu. Ada banyak pers buruk tentang bagaimana Anda bisa membangun aplikasi HTML5 asli di iOS. Masalah utama (yang dirasakan) adalah aplikasi HTML5 tidak berfungsi saat Anda mengklik. Namun, saya berpendapat bahwa Anda dapat membangun aplikasi perasaan asli yang indah dengan HTML5, namun memerlukan perhatian terhadap detail. Caranya adalah dengan menguji dan mengoptimalkan setiap interaksi UI pada perangkat saat Anda membangun aplikasi. Jika ada sesuatu yang tidak beres, maka hentikan bangunan sampai Anda membuatnya merasa asli, dengan kail atau penjahat. Saya telah menggembar-gemborkan kemungkinan ini ke sejumlah klien selama setahun terakhir, namun mereka terlalu menghindari risiko dan memilih untuk menjadi pribumi sampai sekarang. Syukurlah, UberMedia membiarkan saya memiliki sebuah tusukan dalam membangun sebuah aplikasi kecil untuk mereka dalam HTML5 murni. Aplikasi ini disebut Splitsville (aplikasi pemecah cek), yang tersedia di toko aplikasi agar Anda dapat melihatnya. Sejauh ini, kebanyakan orang yang menggunakannya menganggapnya asli. Meskipun aplikasinya kecil, mudah membayangkan bahwa aplikasi yang lebih besar yang dibuat dari beberapa komponen seperti ini juga bisa dibuat untuk dirasakan seperti asli. Saya suka Twitter. Saya telah mencoba membangun bisnis di platform Twitter8217 selama 3 tahun terakhir. Namun, pengumuman terbaru peraturan baru mereka telah mengejutkan saya. 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Geeks Have The Power Jika kita, sebagai geek, bisa membangun aplikasi yang mengagumkan dan menggunakan pengaruhnya untuk mempromosikan dan mendapatkan massa kritis ke langit, ini bisa menjadi momen yang menentukan bagi internet saat cita rasa taman bebas dan anti-berdinding menang . Menariknya, langkah keributan Twitter8217 sendiri membatasi klien pihak ke-3 hingga maksimal 100.000 pengguna memastikan bahwa pengembang klien (dan baru) yang ada akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk beralih ke sistem seperti langit. Setelah mencapai critical mass (dari pengguna 100m), akan mudah bagi langit untuk menjaga donasi dan pendanaan. Bagaimanapun, jika pengembang API menghasilkan jutaan keuntungan (pikirkan Hootsuite, Datasift) mereka akan memiliki motivasi yang sangat tinggi untuk secara teratur menyumbang ke langit untuk memastikan perawatannya. Namun, mereka tidak akan bisa mengubah manifesto nirlaba dari langit. Para dermawan mungkin juga mempertimbangkan untuk menyumbang ke langit atas nama kebebasan berpendapat dan bebas terbuka. Ini juga perlu disebutkan bahwa dengan teknologi penskalaan open source baru, langit mungkin relatif murah untuk dijalankan. Investasi Ekosistem Amp Jika langit benar-benar ada maka akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih aman bagi setiap perusahaan atau investor yang sedang melakukan bisnis dengan Twitter hari ini. Manifesto langit akan kokoh dan akan memastikan bahwa pasar bebas yang tidak bias menang. Ini juga akan memastikan bahwa kemampuan API tidak akan ditarik dari bawah kaki pengembang yang bertanggung jawab. Lonjakan investasi yang terjadi pada hari-hari Twitter awal bisa bebas dipicu kembali karena kepercayaan investor baru dalam platform yang tidak tergoyahkan. Langit tidak berkewajiban selain membuat API hebat bagi vendor lain untuk memanfaatkannya, dan tidak akan merugikan pengguna atau pengembang apa pun. Pernahkah Anda melakukan hubungan bisnis dengan seseorang yang memperlakukan Anda tanpa kehormatan Saya pribadi yakin bahwa seseorang tidak perlu menginjak orang lain agar bisa maju dalam bisnis. Saya sendiri, dan teman-teman saya, telah menerima akhir dari urusan bisnis yang tidak terhormat pada satu saat dalam karir kami. Pada akhirnya, bagaimana Anda memutuskan untuk memperlakukan orang yang Anda berbisnis dengan terserah Anda. Tapi ingat, saat Anda berlayar bersama, Anda akan tersandung dalam riak Anda baik kehormatan maupun penghinaan. Thomas Mulligan di Kuba Tamu minggu ini: Casey Mulligans Economic Research Papers and Class Material Supply and Demand (dalam urutan itu). Blog Casey Mulligans Mulligan tentang Redistribusi, Pengangguran, dan Pasar Tenaga Kerja. Episode EconTalk sebelumnya bersama Casey Mulligan. Desember 2012. Fokus minggu ini: Pengamatan tentang Komunis Kuba. Oleh Casey Mulligan. Supply and Demand (dalam urutan itu), Juli 2016. Gagasan tambahan dan orang-orang yang disebutkan dalam episode podcast ini: Rent Control: Rent Control: Mitos dan Realitas yang disalin oleh Walter Block dan Edgar Olsen. 1981. Kontributor termasuk Milton Friedman. Friedrich Hayek. Dan Basil Kalymon. File PDF Rent Control atau Bomb Damage Gambar dari Rent Control: Mitos dan Realitas Foto oleh berbagai fotografer dari pembukuan bab buku. Che-NY. org, file PDF. Rent Control, oleh Walter Block. Ringkas Ensiklopedia Ekonomi. Kuba memiliki daging sapi dengan kekurangan ternak kronis, oleh Gary Marx di Chicago Tribune. 18 Maret 2004. Beberapa bacaan dan sumber latar belakang: Komunisme Kuba, edisi 1959-2003 edisi 11, oleh Irving Louis Horowitz (Editor), Jaime Suchlicki (Editor). Amazon. Tragedi Malecon: Apakah Politik Domestik Kuba oleh Michael Munger. Perpustakaan Ekonomi dan Kebebasan, 2 Agustus 2004. Komunisme, oleh Bryan Caplan. Ringkas Ensiklopedia Ekonomi. Desa Potemkin Wikipedia. Che Guevara. Pemimpin militer Kuba, 1928-1967. Biografi. Fidel Castro. Wikipedia. Raul Castro. Wikipedia. Elix00E1n Gonzx00E1lez. Wikipedia. Embargo: Embargo. Cyclopaedia Ilmu Politik, Ekonomi Politik, dan Sejarah Politik Amerika Serikat. Definisi. Apa yang terjadi ketika sebuah negara embargo embargo embargo Amerika Serikat terhadap Kuba. Wikipedia. Hak Milik, oleh Armen A. Alchian. Ringkas Ensiklopedia Ekonomi. Beberapa Aspek Pertanyaan Tarif. Bagian II, Bab 6. oleh Frank Taussig. Perpustakaan Ekonomi dan Liberty. Kuba, tebu, dan hubungan sejarah dengan Amerika Serikat. Sistem Kontinental: Interpretasi Ekonomi. Bagian II, Bab 3. oleh Eli F. Heckscher. Perpustakaan Ekonomi dan Liberty. Kuba, Haiti, produksi gula, dan hubungan historis dengan Amerika Serikat. Karl Marx. Biografi. Ringkas Ensiklopedia Ekonomi. Beberapa episode podcast EconTalk: Coyne dalam Mengekspor Demokrasi setelah Perang. EconTalk April 2008. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita tentang Demokrasi dan Kediktatoran. EconTalk Februari 2007. Ikhtisar Ikhtisar Podcast Episode Intro. Tanggal rekaman: 9 September 2016. Russ Roberts: Casey, selamat datang kembali ke EconTalk. Casey Mulligan: Baiklah, saya sangat senang karena kami memiliki kebebasan untuk menikmati program seperti Anda. Russ Roberts: Ada sesuatu yang spesial dari Amerika Serikat. Dan saya mengatakan bahwa karena topik kami untuk hari ini adalah perjalanan terakhir Anda ke Kuba. Yang saya temukan menarik - Anda menuliskannya di blog, Supply and Demand Anda, dan juga memasang tautan ke pos itu. Bagaimana kabarmu Anda pergi ke Kuba Bagaimana Anda sampai di sana Karena meskipun ada beberapa pembatasan, tidak mudah untuk sampai ke sana, benar - adalah pemahaman saya. Casey Mulligan: Maksud saya, ada beberapa latar belakangnya. Saya telah mengajar ekonomi sektor publik di Chicago hampir sepanjang karir saya. Dan beberapa aspek yang menurut saya penting untuk dilihat - salah satunya, aspek demokrasi atau non-demokrasi sektor publik - apakah pemilihan mereka kompetitif atau tidak, dan aspek peraturan dan perencanaan. Dan, saya mengajar banyak dari mereka di kelas saya, tapi sebagian besar dari buku. Dan aku ingin melihatnya. Dan istri saya dan saya, belum lama ini, pergi ke China, mungkin ini adalah sebuah negara komunis dan kami dapat melihat beberapa hal tersebut dan mereka pasti memiliki aspek non-demokrasi. Tapi aspek perencanaannya sudah lama berlalu. Jadi kita bilang, mungkin kita harus pergi ke Kuba atau Korea Utara atau semacamnya. Pada saat itu belum jelas bagaimana mencapainya - apakah boleh diijinkan. Russ Roberts: Apakah istrimu seorang ekonom, Casey Casey Mulligan: Tidak. Russ Roberts: Konsep liburannya tidak biasa bagi beberapa orang: Hei, sayang, mari pergi ke kediktatoran yang mengerikan untuk liburan. Anda memiliki istri yang sangat pengertian, menurut saya. Casey Mulligan: Baiklah, kita jelas sudah bisa pulang ke rumah, jadi itu penting. Russ Roberts: Anda seorang suami yang baik. Jadi, bagaimanapun, Anda seharusnya sudah mencoba Korea Utara atau Kuba. Dan bagaimana Anda masuk ke Kuba Casey Mulligan: Baiklah, sepertinya pemerintah kita benar-benar membuka kesempatan bagi orang Amerika untuk pergi ke sana. Saya pikir orang-orang Kanada dan Jerman telah pergi ke sana lebih lama lagi. Bagaimanapun, mereka mulai muncul dalam kelompok tur sebagai tujuan yang mungkin. Jadi, jenis kalender kami berbaris, jadi kami pun pergi. We signed up to go. And in the next week we heard that our Mayor of Chicago was also going with his family and the Obamas were going as well. So, it must have been something that happened in terms of Americans getting access there--my understanding. Russ Roberts: Its party time. Mulligans, Obamas, and Emanuels head to Cuba and paradise. How long did you go for How long were you there for Casey Mulligan: We were there a week. Russ Roberts: And, just in terms of planning--can you get on the Internet and explore things about Cuba from the United States Can you do things like, I wonder what it would be interesting to look at. Where should I stay Where can I eat Or do you kind of have to arrange that on the fly once you got there Casey Mulligan: Well, both of those approaches can be taken, but I used a tour group that Id used before, and they really handle everything. And they had explained to me that--of course, they are very sensitive to their customers and what their customers like. Tend to, I guess, be older people. Americans. But the Cuban government presents them with, really a menu of things that they can do with the tour group: places they can go, people they can interview. And the tour group chooses from that menu. Russ Roberts: So, in that experience, how much freedom did you have to explore things or talk to people who were sort of not pre-approved by the tour group, through the government Casey Mulligan: We would have several hours--I would say, a day--that the tour, they didnt schedule things for us and therefore we could--we were free to wander off. You know, the police wouldnt stop us if we took a taxi into the middle of the country or just walked down the street and talked to people. Which we did, for sure: went in some stores. That was one of our main goals, was to try to see it unscripted. Russ Roberts: And, before we talk about what you saw, presumably you went to Cuba with some preconceived notions about their economy. You might call them biases. You could call them priors. How much do you think that colored what you saw when you were there and how you saw it Do you think, did you have, were you conscious of that when you were there And did you try to push back against that and look for things that might not agree with your priors Casey Mulligan: Well, um, I guess one of the priors I had with the Cuban people was to not like the Castros or the regime or the Party. And I learned that--maybe I dont like them but not quite in the way that I thought. I had thought--I know Che Guevara is very popular around the United States in certain circles, college students and so on. I had thought that maybe they wouldnt like guy. But they actually liked him, in various ways they thought he was a good example. He would roll up his sleeves and do the dirty work. That they were fortunate as citizens to do as well. So, I guess that was the biggest surprise that I had. And I started to understand that, you know, the Cuban Americans and the Cuban Cubans, they are different on this. And most of the exposure that I had had in terms of meeting people who were Cuban or reading what Cubans had to write about Cuba, they were from the Cuban America. And they are more angry toward the regime and the people living there. Russ Roberts: You know, part of that is selection bias, obviously. Some of it could be--by the angers people being more likely to leave, perhaps. It could be the fact that--once you are there, you want to make the best of it. Or it could be just that those people who are left behind have better lives for a variety of reasons, care about different things and are somewhat content. So, what you wrote is that you sensed a reasonable or quite a bit of pride in the Cuban system, from the people, at least, that you talked to. Is that accurate Casey Mulligan: Um, its a little bit exaggerated. I witnessed some proud moments for them. They--in particular, an episode that I read about and that people talk about was, in the early 1960s, I guess it was Che Guevaras idea but certainly Castro supported it--that illiteracy program for the country. And so they took kids that were not really high school in the cities--and they were illiterate, because they were in high school and they were in the city. And they sent them out to the country, to help with the farm work during the day. Which Im sure the farmers appreciated. And then teach the farmers to read at night. And then that--that was , a 9-month program or something like that. And then at the end each of the farmers wrote a letter to Castro, you know, with their new skills. And the--teenage--people who--the teenagers are proud of that today. Of course, they are not teenagers any more. And the rural people, I think, look favorably on that. And it was really the governments idea. So, that I thought people were genuinely proud of. There was other talk about things like, Well, we, the Cubans participated in this International Congress and that International Congress. I dont perceive that they were all that proud of it. They were all just parroting some of the bullet points that I think the State Newspaper puts out. Russ Roberts: You do hear--well talk later about health care. But you hear that--when I debate or discuss Cuban economics with sympathizers, they always mention the high literacy rates and the great health care. Well talk about health care in a minute. But lets just start with some basics of just walking around the street. One thing you remarked on is that many of the buildings you saw were not doing very well. Tell us what you saw. And why you think--what explains it. Casey Mulligan: Yeah. Right out of the airport, I noticed--the very first thing I noticed was the complete lack of advertisements. Thats the first thing I saw. And we can come back to that. But then, within a few minutes after that, I was amazed at how crumbling the buildings were. At first, you know, the airport, you land, and first thought, Okay, maybe were in a rough neighborhood, or whatever. And of course the buildings arent going to be that great. Russ Roberts: Yeah. The buildings near OHare or Midway in Chicago sometimes dont look so healthy, either. But, go ahead. Casey Mulligan: So, then, but when we got to the waterfront it was like the same story: the buildings were, you know, falling down. They were--and sometimes they were half a pile of rubble, sometimes a whole pile of rubble. And paint was long gone--they were last painted in 1958, maybe. They were really in bad shape. Very little new stuff. There were some renovated things, especially around where they took the Pope. But people were living in these buildings that were falling apart. And if it rained--and it did rain a number of times when we were there, especially in the afternoon--you know, it would fall apart even more. And some people would hit the point where they had to be moved out, because it was no longer safe by any stretch of the word to live in those premises any more. Russ Roberts: So, thats hard to believe. Right For someone who hasnt been there. Ive never been to Cuba. I wrote a book that had a Cuban element in it and I did a lot of reading for that. Ive seen a lot of pictures, which tend to show colorful cars and interesting-looking buildings. The impression you are giving is that its, the city, say, Havana, is in literal disrepair. Its not like, Oh, I saw a building that was falling apart. Its like, common. Is that correct Casey Mulligan: Yes, its common. And the other thing that came to my mind, I had read this book on rent control, a number of people contributing: Milton Friedman, Ed Olsen was one of the main editors I think maybe Walter Block was, as well. And that book, on kind of alternating pages, they would show a picture of a bombed-out part of a city of that had been bombed and then theyd show a picture, part of a city, that had been subject to rent control. And they were trying to--they asked the reader: Can you guess which is which And it was hard. And I actually know Ed Olsen a little bit. I thought, Boy, you guys are really exaggerating. I was a little surprised that Ed would do that. But thats the first thing I thought of when I got there, is like, Wow. These places kind of look like theyve been bombed. But there have been no bombs. Its been an economic system that acted like a bomb. Russ Roberts: I think--part of the reason--I owned that book. I dont know if I can put my hands on it, but I used to have that, I had that book at one point in my life. And being a free market guy and a big anti-price-control guy, I always loved that book. But you have to face the fact that in San Francisco and in New York City and Im sure, maybe Chicago, I dont know, there is rent control. Now, its not rent control the way it was originally implemented in some cities. They put a lot of exceptions in, and a lot of ways to create some incentives while trying to keep the rent low for certain tenants. So I think part of the reason that book seems so provocative is that its hard for us to relate to it if we dont know the historical examples that those are capturing. Right Where there were--the exceptions. You are suggesting, though, that in Cuba, there is zero incentive to take care of the buildings. Who owns them, and why arent they being repaired Why arent people fixing them Casey Mulligan: Well, ownership is a little blurry. For most of the regime, the State owned it, but the people who lived there, they had the right to live there. So, when the time came for them to move, they would receive some kind of payment from the government. So, you could say they were selling it to the government. Or you could say it was a bonus for vacating their property, either way. But they couldnt sell it to a third party. And the payment wasnt based on how well they maintained it, or anything. Then, pretty recently--Id say in the last 5 years--they, people are allowed to sell and buy property: I think you can have a maximum of 2 or 3 or something like that. So there is a resale market now. So that is one aspect of the property rights. For most of the time it wasnt really owned by people. The other aspect of it is that property rights in the apartment buildings, I learned, was unclear. Of course, the inside of your apartment would be yours. But, what about the common areas What about the roof Did that belong to the people who live on the top floor Or everybody It wasnt clear. So not much got done about keeping rooves under repair. And actually some of these buildings, as they start to fall apart, you get new common areas that are--its hard to--you know, the property lines arent so clear when the building is splitting apart and crumbling. And so you have areas of these buildings, its not clear who owns them. But people are using them. Russ Roberts: And you talk about this phenomenon of dividing the story of a building essentially into two stories, creating apartments--I dont know how to describe it exactly. You want to try The Barbecue phenomenon Casey Mulligan: Yeah. So, the buildings there were really--most of them were built either in the 1920s or the 1950s. There were kind of two building booms. And in terms of the size and structure, it was pretty similar to what we would build here. People kind of like kind of large rooms. Maybe a little bit taller: so what you would have due to the heat and everything. But now, people dont live in that kind of luxury. They really want a smaller place. And so they divide these places up. You can imagine putting in a wall. But then they also put in a new ceiling between the old floor and the old ceiling. And they call that upper floor, if you will, or they might call it a loft: They call that a Barbecue, because it gets hotter up there in that top half of the room. And then they will have, there will be a little hole in the new floorceiling, and a ladder up the wall that people would climb up there. And they tend to do their sleeping up there, and their, maybe some storage. So theyve expanded the square footage by really a factor of 2. Not the cubic footage, of course, but the square footage. Russ Roberts: I was--I found it poignant when you talked about there are some special regulations for boats. Tell us what those are and how you found out--fishing boats--how you found out about them. Casey Mulligan: Well, they--Im actually quite interested in boats just as recreation, and so I wanted to see what the boating situation there. Id heard something about, well, its not easy to get a boat, if you are a Cuban citizen. And so there, I looked around. And also I asked about the fishing. And theres not a whole lot of fishing. And the fisherman that I saw were in very small boats. Smaller that what I would call a rowboat. They kind of operated like a rowboat, but it was a very small boat. I was amazed that you could fish without getting swamped. But, yeah, I would see guys out there in the morning in these very small boats. And I would presume that the reason they were allowed to have a boat like that was because you cant take it anywhere off shore. For example, to Miami. So, thats what they were doing. And as a result, the fishing industry is not very productive. I mean, how much fish can you catch in a little boat like that And so, amazingly, a country like that imports its fish. To the extent fish is eaten in Cuba, its going to be--the vast majority is going to be imported. I mean, even while I saw a fishing tournament there, that was all foreigners. So, they held a tournament and that looked like fun and people brought their boats from Miami or maybe Europeans who happened to be in the area. And these were nice fishing boats. And they caught a lot of fish. Recreationally. But the Cubans dont have things like that. Russ Roberts: What did you eat while you were there And how did you eat it I know there are restaurants in peoples homes. What kind of--how did that work on the tour Casey Mulligan: It was--I really liked the tour company: they took care of us well--so, we were not eating like the locals. And a number of the stops were in private restaurants, that were maybe part of somebodys house. Theyve recently allowed, in the last 3-4 years theyve allowed restaurants to be in an actual business, you know, with the boss and a payroll. So we met employees who worked for the restaurant and where were an official employee. And their customers were tourists. They are nice restaurants. They--every once in a while they would apologize that they wouldnt have this flavor or that flavor because it is hard to find the ingredients. So, even in the fancy places we saw an element of that. And even an idea of the pricing was about what it would cost in Chicago to go to a nice restaurant, so that would be--you would be talking a months wages for the Cubans. So you can imagine if they have trouble finding ingredients at that level, that, how hard it is for Cubans in general to find ingredients to make dishes that they might like. Russ Roberts: Did you see any black market cash transactions Kind of a personal question. Maybe you dont want to answer that. Casey Mulligan: Well, Yeah I am just trying to think in my mind how much of it was tourist-specific versus locals. Um-- Russ Roberts: I assume if you want to buy something in Cuba, you can use dollars--American dollars. Is that correct Casey Mulligan: No--not literally. They have a currency there that is only used by the tourists that--1-1 with the U. S. dollar, it is pegged to the U. S. dollar--theres a hefty fee that comes out. So, but its-- Russ Roberts: Hmm. Casey Mulligan: So, but its designed to be 1-to-1 with the U. S. dollar. I understand that there are stores--I didnt go in any of these stores but there are stores that the locals can use dollars. So--and they would be getting--I understand they can use regular U. S. dollars and they are getting those U. S. dollars from relatives in the United States. Russ Roberts: Did you get any beef Casey Mulligan: Yes--yes, we had beef. All the beef is imported. I think its--100 of the beef is imported because the to a cow. Russ Roberts: So, why is that They have cows. Right Casey Mulligan: They do. Russ Roberts: A small number. Not a big number. But there are cows . Casey Mulligan: They do have cows. They are government-owned. And they are for milk--which there is quite a shortage of milk. But they are for milk. And they wouldnt want a non-owner of the cow to kill it and use it for the beef. Russ Roberts: Listeners recently complained I dont quite Hayek, my favorite Hayek quote, enough but it does remind me: The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they can imagine they can design. There you have this bizarre world of state ownership, worrying about milk. These strange consequences: cant get beef. When I read your account of this, I was thinking back to a story--I actually found it on the web, from 2004, from the Chicago Tribune . It says, In communist Cuba, only the state is allowed to slaughter cattle and sell the meat. Citizens who kill a cow--even if they raised it themselves--can get a 10-year prison sentence. Anyone who transports or sells a poached animal can get locked up for 8 years. My brother-in-law got a 12-year prison sentence for killing 12 cows, said an accountant who lives in the cattle-raising region. But its not Russ:--this is the crazy part-- unheard of for Cubans to sneak into a pasture at night and butcher a cow on the spot. Residents have been known to descend on a cow struck by lightning, carving it up in minutes even though the meat often is charred and they risk a fine if caught by police.. The same thing can happen if a cow is hit by a car or dies of illness or malnutrition, in giving birth or of old age, even though residents admit the law requires them to leave the carcass alone and notify local officials. Then--it talks about someone who works for a large dairy farm who recounted, scores of people scrambled to a nearby railway with knives and machetes when word spread that more than a dozen cattle had been struck by a passing train. So, at least then . some of the--I dont, that just is a crazy story. There was some cattle, I assume, raised for some kind of beef, maybe, not just for milk. Not just cows for milk. Do you think Casey Mulligan: Um, I saw a number of cows. They didnt have a lot of beef on them. But it could be that theyre doing that. The types of regulations that you mention from that story--the Cubans volunteered those sort of rules. Even when we were there they were saying they were tough on the cows and accounting for them, and when they died and why they died. They are more interested in the circumstances of a dead cow than a dead person. Russ Roberts: Thats unusual. Russ Roberts: Lets talk about grocery stores. Did you go in some Could you go in some Casey Mulligan: We were discouraged from that. Its what our tour company told us. And then, I did go in some and when I would go in there would be Cubans who discouraged us. But we went in. Now, you called it a grocery store. They are on a rationing system, so the families get a book even to this day: they get a ration book that gives them permission to buy a certain number of units at the State price. And so these stores that I went into, we can call them a grocery store: they just had grocery items that the government was distributing with the ration books. I believe you could also buy over and above your ration at another, higher price. There wasnt a whole lot in these stores. Maybe a dozen or two dozen distinct items. They came in very large packages--so, a big can of mangoes was one of items I saw. Russ Roberts: Just like Costco. Casey Mulligan: Cuban bakery. (Photo courtesy of C. Rooks. See his comment in the comment section below.) Note tall soda bottles in upper right corner. Its the same principle as Costco, I think, because they want it to be cheap. So, minimum of packaging and so on. Eggs, they were in trays they were very large trays Ive never seen such big trays. I think they were 30 or 40 to a tray. Three liter bottles of soda, tall bottles. Items like that. And they would be--and I think milk. I didnt see milk, but I understand that the milk was rationed to the members of the family who were less than 7 years old: they get a certain number of units. Not enough for that child to use for the entire month, but there are a certain number of units theyd buy at the state price. And the state price was--I dont know--like an eighth, lets say and eighth of what it would be in the United States, say, for an egg, on a per-egg basis. Of course, you are not getting refrigeration you are not getting packaging. You are not getting helpful store hours or even a place to park or anything like that. But, that was about the pricing. Russ Roberts: So, I once hosted a Russian family when they had first arrived in the United States and our family was assigned to them through the Jewish Federation. A lot of Soviet Jews and Russian Jews came out at various times and to ease their transition to American life, sometimes there would be a family assigned to help them. We volunteered to do that. And one of the more interesting parts of that was taking them to the grocery store. And I may have told th story before, but there were two things that were fun about it. One was the produce section just was a source of tremendous fascination and amazement to them. And then the second part was that, though we didnt speak Russian and they didnt speak English, the mother of the family communicated she wanted to make bread, and she wanted to buy yeast. So, yeast is a very small item: its physically small its hard to find in a store. A couple of obvious places to look. We looked and we couldnt see it. So we asked a person, one of the employees, to help if there was any extra yeast in the back. And they went in the back and found some and brought it out to me. And the Russian woman looked at me with like a new sense of respect. Like, Ah. Hes important. He gets the yeast. And I tried to explain to her that really anyone could get the yeast. They just hadnt put it out, and they would now put it out for everybody. And I just wonder, when I think about your experience of those primitive groceries, whatever you want to call them: Do the people of Cuba know that their relatives, say, in Miami or just anywhere in America or lots of other more developed countries, theres plenty of food to buy all the time to buy when you want Casey Mulligan: Oh, yeah. They know that. I also noted--I guess I could have figured it out before I got there--but I also noted that the very large fraction of people who have family just in the United States, or certainly abroad, and almost all of them would volunteer why they werent gone yet. And they would give an explanation. And when they were going: Im a few years from retirement then Im going to go to my daughters house. So they know. They have immediate family there: thats one way that they know. Recently, the immediate family has been allowed to visit a fair bit, and they come back with suitcases full of stuff. You cant put liquid milk in a suitcase, but a lot of powdered milk goes in a suitcase. Television sets. You can bring anything--5 bags in. And so a lot of the things that they have came from an American store. Russ Roberts: I think when the, in the Cold War when you would tell Russians, Communists, that--I should mention, by the way for those listening at home if you dont know: Cuba is a Communist country, and its run by a dictator who kind of through the bureaucracy who owns what where, prices, etc. availability. But when youd say to people during the Cold War, to Russians, that Americans live better, I think--or when Khrushchev came here--I think in the 1950s, maybe early 1960s, it was early 1960s--I think he assumed that the profusion of material wellbeing that he saw was a stage show. There was a thing in the Soviet Union called Potemkin Village, where visitors would come and be shown a thriving place that was a sham, a theater, to deceive people about how easy life was there. Potemkin backwards--I had to write it down, but its Nikmetop--I wonder if people thought, Soviets who came to the United States thought they were getting a Nikmetop Village: a sort of anti-Potemkin-Village of fake prosperity but in fact was real. Is there--its hard to know, of course, you probably didnt talk in detail with people--but I wonder, when they see things on TV or when they hear from their relatives, that they think its exaggerated Of course, immigrants to the United States, in the late 19th century, were told the streets were paved with gold. They were told how fabulous it was. And of course it wasnt true. It was exaggerated. But it wasnt so exaggerated compared to, say, rural Poland, where many of those immigrants came from. And similarly I would think it would be hard to exaggerate the difference between a thriving American city in Florida, anywhere in Florida, versus Savannah. Casey Mulligan: I didnt sense that kind of attitude. Like I said, a lot of them were holding American goods. They had put their own hands on them. So I dont know that there was any ground to be skeptical. Russ Roberts: Im just thinking--I think if you took--you know, if you went to Costco or a modern, giant, Safeway, standard, Walmart, supermarket in the United States, and you took someone from Havana there, I think that gap between the profusion and the reality they live under would be shocking. Casey Mulligan: Yeah. Theres no doubt about that. Its not in their face, the difference. They may be aware of it intellectually, but its not in their face. Thats true. Russ Roberts: So, lets talk philosophically for a minute. When Elix00E1n Gonzx00E1lez was taken to Florida, out of Cuba, and, if I remember correctly--I think his mother may have died on the trip Or anyway, he was with relatives in Florida. And his father requested that he be returned. We never knew or couldnt know whether his father was under pressure from Castro to just say that--this was in the 1990s. And the U. S. government made the decision to return Elian to his father. And this was a cause for a lot of conversation. Ill never forget, though, that one pundit said he was lucky to have the opportunity to grow up in a country that was not as materialistic as the United States, not as focused on money, more egalitarian, more equal distribution of income. And so, he was fortunate. I found that to be a bizarre thing to say, for a lot of reasons. One of them being that the material wellbeing in the United States, which is what we are talking about right now, relative to Cuba is only one of the many reasons that I think most people would prefer to stay here than live in Cuba. And the guards face south. They keep people from leaving. They dont stop people from coming in to Cuba. There arent--theres not a line. The line is to get out, not to get in. But, did you have any reflections on that, in terms of just the wellbeing There are certainly things about a free market system that can be tough on ones emotional wellbeing. It is competitive it tends to, can emphasize material things unnecessarily, overly. Did you have any thoughts on that while you were there Casey Mulligan: Yeah I was interested in that. I was looking hard and asking about, you know, Are there people who came back Are there people who, they came from another Latin American country and chose to come to Cuba I had trouble finding those people. So thats one aspect, is, they are voting with their feet and like you said, the feet, oars, and the boats seem to go in one direction. The other thing that I wasnt so aware of: I was always aware you had really incomprehensibly large famines under Stalin and under Mao. But not really in Cuba. But I heard a lot of people talking about this Special Period, which they described as starving. They didnt starve to death. But they talked about the malnutrition that they endured, the lengths that they would go to, to get food. The father may have walked 20 miles out in the country to tend a little garden that he had put together because there was just no food to find for the family in the city. And they vividly remember: Anyone my age or even younger vividly remembered what they considered--being very hungry. Literally hungry. And worried about survival. Most of them did survive in the sense of not dropping dead from starvation. But they were very worried about surviving. And thats not something that you run into in America too often. Russ Roberts: Yeah I dont want to--well, I just think its important to make clear that--especially as an economist--that money isnt everything. And material wellbeing isnt everything. But its--you dont want to be hungry. And you do like a roof over your head, especially if its raining. But when I was thinking about Elian Gonzalez, I was thinking that--its not so much that hed have more stuff --hed have more pairs of shoes if had stayed in Miami--which he would have, I suspect. And he would have had more video games and more toys--and more food, more beef, etc. But thats not really what makes life better . It is part of why people leave poor countries to come to a richer country, certainly. But for me, when I was thinking about that 5-year-old boy, my thought was. Which place will let him flourish Which place will let him express himself Which place will let his creativity come alive Which place will his life have more meaning And thats a tougher question. I think there are parts of it that are pretty open and shut, but there are parts of it that arent. And Im really asking--when you saw--and of course you cant see this in a week. But walking around, did you get the feeling that it was a somewhat happy place Or a dysfunctional place Or is it just a place where people dont happen to have nice apartments or food Or is there something more going on beneath the surface thats more important than food and money that was part of their lives Casey Mulligan: Well, they definitely had part of their lives than were more than the food and the money. Im not sure I viewed it as attractive, necessarily, but no doubt about that. There is a thriving arts area there: people dancing, those sort of activities. Not everybody is into that by any means, but there is a segment of people who exercise that. Um, I did kind of think--when, Id been to the Dominican Republic, when I was there, and I had asked, you can guess what year it was, Id asked If youd take me to where Sammy Sosa grew up, which was a very poor area piled up with garbage, really. And hed seen the people there and they are the people--I saw as--they appeared happy to me. They were smiling. The Cuban people werent as happy as that. Its not that they were running around complaining or anything like that. But I made kind of that comparison. They are--they ought to be--they are struggling. So, there are very few vehicles for them. So they are walking. And it is hot. And there arent many buses. And the buses that are there are just overflowing, literally overflowing with people. And thats what they are dealing with every day. Russ Roberts: But thats what they are used to. My parents grew up in Memphis in the 1930s without air conditioning. Which would be unbearable for me. But, to them, they didnt think of it that way. So the fact that they walk in the heat--I dont know, do they care Is it really a source of--is it dispiriting to them I dont know. Casey Mulligan: It didnt look like they were enjoying themselves as much as the Dominicans were, in Sammy Sosas neighborhood. Russ Roberts: What did you learn When you think back on the trip, you saw some things that you hadnt seen. You got some first-hand knowledge of life in this peculiar, publicly-run--it is in some sense a police state but my impression is its not a police state like the Nazis or Stalins time. Its not as fearsome. You cant--I assume you cant criticize the regime much. But people seem to go about their lives or I assume--you didnt mention it--they dont seem to be in fear. So you got to observe this firsthand. What did you learn besides--what was valuable to you from the experience Casey Mulligan: Im not sure where to begin with that. I can think of some items, like--I learned how--I call it the Castros or call it the regime or the other revolutionaries, how they dealt with opposition. And its really very different than Stalin and Mao. Because Stalin and Mao, they had the mass purges. And these huge famines. And that took care of a lot of their opponents. Thats not what happened in Cuba--that they migrated. Of course, I was aware of the migrants. I probably should have mentioned: my aunt moved from Cuba to in 1959. But she is just one example of many people who were on the opposite side of Castro and Che and everybody, and they left. Russ Roberts: Well, I think they killed a bunch of people and imprisoned them in the early days, for sure. So I dont think it was like just a peaceful migration. Casey Mulligan: Well, the reason my aunt left was so they didnt get killed . But it--I think its on a much smaller scale than the Stalin and the Mao. And I think migration was an option. And actually, the dynamics of the migration, I found pretty interesting. I learned that there really is a wedge thats been driven between the Cubans outside of Cuba and the Cubans inside. Its a strange relationship because of course the Cubans outside are sending money to those inside, and even coming to visit, and bringing stuff. Although not for the entire society. Especially the blacker Cubans would have, many, much less likely to have American contacts. But, the Americans in Cuba are really angry at Castro, to this day. Russ Roberts: You mean the Cubans in America. Casey Mulligan: Yeah, in America. Maaf. The Cubans in America are really angry. And they still remember that, Thats my house. Thats my farm that you took from me. Or from my father or brother or uncle. And they are angry about that. And thats probably some of the source of American policy against Cuba. The Cubans there arent angry in that way. In fact, maybe some of them-- Russ Roberts: Well, thats because they are living in the farm where--some of them were the beneficiaries of it. But you are making a deeper point. I apologize. Casey Mulligan: But thats another interesting dynamic of it. So, there may be living--in what in 1958 was somebody elses house or somebody elses farm. And I think some of them view the Castros today as maybe the only things standing between them and having to give it back. Russ Roberts: Yeah. Casey Mulligan: And so thats--you can think of it from Castros point of view, you know, taking care of his opponents with the migration solution rather than the murder solution, is different . And may be part of the reason why he outlasted, or part of his regime outlasted the Communist regimes in China and in Russia--the Soviet Union. Russ Roberts: Lets talk about the embargo. Which I have long been in favor of getting rid of. And President Obama has recently, at least, lifted some aspects of it--I dont know to what degree yet and how long that will take. But certainly we are on a different path. And as you pointed out, Cuban Americans in the United States, particularly in Florida, were very adamant about that embargo. And probably the reason it existed. And certainly felt very strongly about it and were very upset--have been upset with the prospect of it lifting. But it seems to me that it has been a perennial excuse for Castro as to why his country has not done as well, say, as Puerto Rico, which you write about. Or other similar places over the time period since the Cuban Revolution of 1959. And so, what are your thoughts on the embargo And did you hear much about it while you were there, from Cubans Casey Mulligan: Yeah--but there--before I went there, I guess, I would have been inclined to approximate--I would empathize that it was an approximation. But I would approximate the impact of the embargo as zero. They can just trade-- Russ Roberts: Because they can import from other countries, obviously. Casey Mulligan: Yeah. The goods take a different route and Whats the big deal kind of would have been my attitude, before I went there. And now I--Im able to --I would say that there is a real effect of the embargo on the standard of living of the people. Maybe more than transaction costs or some way to trivialize it. So thats kind of my analysis of it. The people talked about the Embargo a lot. But they said that, you know, the Embargo, it has an effect on us but lets not misunderstand that as the only problem or even the Number One problem that we have. And they even explained to me that--Raul, not Fidel, but Raul had been saying the same thing--like, lets not blame the Embargo for our problems. I figure where Rauls coming from is that the Embargo might get lifted and then he doesnt want to backpedal too far. So this is a way of pre-empting that, probably. Russ Roberts: But that really makes the point that the Embargo was a very powerful, potentially propaganda weapon, for the Castros over the last 50 years, 60 years. And that getting rid of it is going to make them--exposes them. It says, Okay. Now its up to you. Youve got no excuses. Your policies are on the line. And, my view--you write about the fact that Internet access is not very good. Its limited. But, you know, the Internet and other tourists, people like you going there--its hard to sustain that regime. And that level of control of peoples lives: where they work, what they make, and where they live--in a modern era. Its going to be very challenging. I just cant see the system sustaining itself for, say, in 20 years. In maybe 10 years I think it will be essentially--theyll start like the Chinese theyll open up certain things. And then theyll lose control of it--and Cuba will change. Casey Mulligan: Can I be a devils advocate a little bit Russ Roberts: Yeah, sure. Casey Mulligan: There is this series of books coming out every other year called Cuban Communism . I have the 11th edition. I think theres 12 or 13 of them. So, this has been going on for a period of 20 years or something like that. These--every edition says what you said. Russ Roberts: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Casey Mulligan: And-- Russ Roberts: I hate to laugh. I laugh at it myself. Its a tragedy. I dont really--theres nothing funny about it. But it is funny from a Social Science perspective. Casey Mulligan: And thats kind of one of the things I was looking for--is one of--that regime has passed some kind of market test. Okay, its not a free market in everything like that. But they have held their position for a long time. I think of the Khadafis--you know, we all like to say Khadafi Muammar Gaddafi, Libya--Econlib Ed. was a bad guy. But he held his job for a long time. He was doing something that was of some value. And now that hes gone we kind of see the value that he was delivering. And thats one thing I was kind of looking for--was there, are people gaining some kind of value out of this regime And what is it And I dont know the full answer. But like I mentioned, the story of the literacy program. There are elements of that that there was some pride that they had. And, you know, we got to think about the alternative: when the Castros regime is gone, whats going to be there instead And is it going to be a Libya or is it going to be a modern, 21st century China I dont know. Russ Roberts: Well, we dont know what a modern 21st century China is going to look like in 5 years, either. Theyve got a different set of problems. And its not clear that their current path is sustainable, to me, anyway. Russ Roberts: But I want to go back to this question of, um, passing a market test. Its not much of a market test, right If I have guns and I can exploit people and force them, to--basically, enslave them in the sense that I can extract profit from them--I can keep their wages artificially low I can tax them and I can keep the proceeds from my buddies--that system, which is a huge part of human history--right--democratic free market regimes are the exception, not the rule. But most of human history is about the exploitation by the powerful of the power-less. I dont consider that much of a market test, other than no one else came along and took it away from them. So, I dont--the fact that there are good things about the system--I dont see them--they are not obvious to me that the regime has provided, that has created a stable system. To me, its more that: they had the power they used it to enrich themselves and to enrich their friends who kept them in power. As the Castros. And, yeah, maybe they believed whatever their ideology was. It doesnt matter. But I dont really see the longevity of the Castro regime as telling me anything about how effective they were in making the citizens happy. Maybe pacifying them. Saya tidak tahu It doesnt seem to be much of a--not a very attractive market test to me. Casey Mulligan: Again, I think of Libya, or even the Saddam Hussein examples. That, um, when they were forcibly removed externally, things got a lot worse. Russ Roberts: Yeah, but thats not the same point. Right I agree with you, but-- Casey Mulligan: --but a lot of people who--A lot of people who lived under them understood that the alternative was even worse. Russ Roberts: But its not a menu. You dont get to choose. If you said--I think the mistake we make in evaluating these as observers and social scientists and politicaly scientists is to say, Gee, wouldnt it be great if--if Cuba were like Florida, theyd be thriving. Well, thats silly. They cant be like Florida. We dont have the road map to get there from here. And so, if we, if, just for example, if I think the United States did try to assassinate Castro in the 1960s, shortly after the Revolution, or at least considered it and if we had successfully done that, yes: Certainly they might have been replaced by something worse. So, that says, Be careful in what you wish for. Dont always be confident that getting rid of something bad leads to something better. But I dont think thats the same thing as saying: Because they kept away something worse, say, by being in power, that they provided something of value. I mean, for example, the crime rates are low in dictatorships often, because police are everywhere and nobody wants to go to the prisons and its a well-known factoid, I think its probably even true. So, does that tell you--thats a side benefit Thats a silver lining of a very dark cloud That in, you know, Communist Russia or Nazi Germany there wasnt that much theft or murder. But that isnt what kept the regime going. It wasnt like, Well, you know, wed rather have freedom but if we had freedom wed have a high murder rate so we dont want to have that. Its just that thats one of the side effects of having a dictatorship or a totalitarian state, is that you dont get a lot of murder: you dont get gang warfare, say, or tribal warfare in a system like Iraqs. Okay, but that system is not designed to do that. The leaders arent giving that as a way to please the market. Its just a side-benefit of their own exploitation. Casey Mulligan: I agree with that. They need support--you say they have guns but you cant have a gun pointed at everybodys head at every moment. You need some kind of support. And people who are on the margin of support have to think about: Do I want to be unsupported Do I want to slip the poison in the guys lunch or whatever action they might take And perhaps some of them are aware of--maybe Id be doing more harm than good here. I resist I obviously harm myself and Im going to harm my country as well, so Im not going to do it. Russ Roberts: Yeah, I understand that. Im not convinced that, when we look at totalitarian, authoritarian regimes that their stability is--thinking of it as passing a market test is the same way we think of--I dont know--Walmart doing well for a long period of time. It just doesnt strike me as the right metaphor. Saya tidak tahu Casey Mulligan: Okay. Well agree to disagree on that one. Russ Roberts: Okay. Russ Roberts: Are you going to go back You want to go back And, finally, do you have any--despite my optimism, which empirically has to be questioned because of the point you made in the book suggesting for a long time that this is coming. This actually reminds me of the sign in the bar: Free Beer Tomorrow. Its a permanent sign: Freedom Tomorrow. But I do think it will come. And Im also reminded of this quote about Marx: He was so far-sighted that his predictions havent even come true yet. So, Im going to fall into my--Im going to make my Marxist prediction that freedom will come to the Cuban people in slow and perhaps steady ways over the next 10, 20 years. But I could be wrong. So, are you optimistic and will you go back And what would you expect to find if you did go back in the next few years Casey Mulligan: Ive wondered about whether I would go back. I guess Im on the margin there. Probably would. But its not on the top of my lists of anything, I guess. Optimistic in what sense For the Cuban people I am optimistic that they are going to have more opportunities to leave, and you know, thats a choice that they might be able to make that they wouldnt have made in the old days, or wouldnt have been available. So at that level, I think freedom is tomorrow for a number of them. Whether there will be freedom on that island--its harder to say. I definitely hope for it, but that doesnt make it happen. 59:00 Russ Roberts said, Im going to make my Marxist prediction that freedom will come to the Cuban people in slow and perhaps steady ways over the next 10, 20 years. Hayek said wealth and poverty were the result of moral rules of behavior. Im still trying to work through the implications of that argument. If that is the case, then there would be no cause for optimism that the Cuban society would spontaneously increase in wealth over time without the introduction and adoption of new morals. I can think of at least five places new morals might emerge in a third world economy: 1) The internet unlikely in Cuba given their primitive infrastructure 2) Christian Missionaries -- Islamic missionaries wont do. There are no extremely wealthy Islamic countries. Buddhist missionaries might work but I think Buddhist missionary is a contradiction. Given the success of Israel, Jewish Missionaries might work, but Ive never heard of a Jewish missionary and Im not able to know how successful Israel would be if the USA didnt give it billions of dollars of aid each year. Hindu missionaries. no good. There are no wealthy Hindu nations either. 3) Trade - when trade barriers drop, a tiny fraction of the Cuban society would be exposed to new types and rules of behavior. Domestic traders exposed to the new behaviors may choose to adopt some of them. Those early adopters would then serve as examples for other Cubans to emulate. 4) Television - learning morals from actors and artists is probably not the best idea ever. 5) Schools If the government runs the schools then presumably the teachers are already well versed in the morals of the government planners. The government would, therefore, have to change its morals before the school could, but where would the government learn said new morals Theyd have to travel, which is expensive, and were talking about very poor countries, so thats not likely to happen. I think Hayeks proposed causal chain of Moral rules causing wealth differences is likely true. Therefore, I dont think there is any cause to believe a poor country would spontaneously improve itself naturally. Moral rules have a habit of being both stable and self-propagating. However, if you really wanted to move, say, Cuba along, the easiest route, from what I can deduce, is to open trade with their port citiesinitiallyand allow Christian Missionaries to relocate within the country. SaveyourSelf: Whens the last time a countrys economic performance improved as a result of an influx in Christian missionaries Cuba used to be, of course, a much better economic performer than it is now. I dont think their current problems arose in any direct fashion because of a decline in personal Christianity. I normally dont comment, as a non-economist I am here to learn but on the subject of my native country there is definitively some knowledge and experiences I can share that will help others better understand Cuba. First I will commend Russ moral clarity and intuitions on this issue, even though you have not been there you have a very good grasp of what is going on except perhaps with your optimistic view of the future of Cuba. Something that comes up several times in the conversation is how the regime has managed to keep control for such a long time. It all comes up to the totalitarian nature of the regime with its total control over the population down to the block level in the cities. The government is the only employer, the only educator, the owner of all media, you have to register where you live and you cannot move at will, you have to carry an internal passport where all the details of your live are shown, all that enforced not just by the police but by your boss at work, your neighbor that runs the block Committee for the Defense of the Revolution and the myriad other organization to which you have to belong (trade union, womens league, pioneers sort of boy scouts for the kids, students leagues, professional or artistic guilds) all the so called transmission belts of the Communist Party. At the end of the day this system had created not just control but a web of complicity and shame in which most people in one way or the other have participated and which not only creates fear and paranoia about being punished if you dont support enthusiastically the regime but also fear of retribution for you own actions in support of the regime. Add to it the constant propaganda which even if it cannot bury the harsh realities of the country and the much better life outside it is enough to confuse, obfuscate and most importantly paralyze. This is the state of the population at large, judge by yourself if this constituency has been formed by any positive intercourse between the rulers and the ruled. Of course at the very beginning there where some things that appeared to be positive, some actually were as the literacy campaign or the vaccination campaigns, some fake like the illusory transfer of titles of property to urban renters and small tenant peasants but just to buy time while the wheels of control were put in place all combined with harsh repression including the executions by fire squads of a few thousand people and the internment of several other thousands in an island that at that time had only 7 million people. I am not going to said that the regime has been as barbaric as Stalin, Mao, the Kims or Pol Pot, but always remember we are dealing with just shades of barbarism here and also remember that if Castro and Che had their way the whole island along with a good chunk of the US, Europe and Russia would have been incinerated in a nuclear war, that just tells you about the true nature of the beast. Will continue in another post. Now on more specific topics. I will not assign much value to the opinions people are willing to share with unknown strangers. I once gave a candid opinion to one exchange student from Mexico in Cuba, the guy unaware of the consequences challenged his minder with what I had told him. well I learnt my lesson and counted my lucky stars that I was allowed to keep my job. Also remember that people there have been thoroughly indoctrinated at school, do not have easy access to alternative information, especially to different systems of thought and are under a constant barrage of propaganda reinforcing the regime mythology. Even if they can grasp the failures of Fidel Castro many still think inside the regime framework so that they may think that Raul is better (but thwarted by his brother) or that (thankfully) dead Che or Camilo would have been better and so on. I realized communism was bad and not working but as to the how it was that I only got it when I came to the US in 1995 as a 38 years old, this brings me to the differences between Cubans in the island and Cuban-Americans. There is a difference between the first wave which didnt lived much or belonged to the upper middle-class and those of us who came later and were raised under the regime, often like me in the family of regime sympathizers or who were at some point part of the regime machinery. Among the latter there is more understanding and also some shame, less hatred of the common folk of which we were part, but no less hatred, perhaps even more of the rulers that not just took from us things but our dignity and self-respect. Cubans in the island are still uninformed at best, confused, not free to share what they truly think but it transpires as Mulligan perceived in the certain sadness they show in comparison with the Dominican poor. Went to Cuba for my honeymoon in March of 2001. Flew to Jamaica for a few days, to Cuba for a week, and back to Jamaica for a few days, then back to NYC. (Was living in NYC at the time). Zero problem traveling, they even had a special passport stamp for Americans that didnt identify the country and they stamped it on a certain page. Had no problem traveling, saw lots of Americans in Cuba while we were there. We were required to stay in a state hotel for 1 night, the rest of the time we spent in peoples homes. At the time it was permissible for Cubans to rent 1 room out in their home and had to pay a high tax. Many people quietly rented out two. We also are in mostly home restaurants. There was a heavy tax on signage, so the restaurant operators paid people to get people from the street and sell them and lead them there, on a commission basis. At the time we went the official currency was the us dollar. The worst part of the trip was the Jamaican travel agent gave the card info to someone in the US and there were fraudulent charges. The other thing was we traveled light and were completely searched and our luggage torn apart a bit looking for drugs on the way back in. (We were selected for screening.) Felt ironic. Also the non-state home restaurants werent allowed to sell some items, like shrimp. They werent on the menu but every place had them. The food was great (and it was awful in the state-run restaurants). People there were positive about the liberalization going on at the time. They had Coke etc all imported from Mexico. We saw a number of new cars at the time as well. There is no real property rights in Cuba, the government may give you title to your home or a piece of land but it can take it back on any flimsy excuse plus it puts so many restrictions on selling or disposing on it, including at time the outright prohibition to do it as to render it meaningless and the laws change capriciously also, they could be relaxed at some point, tightened at other depending of the perceived political needs of the government. The same goes for small business including farming, authorized when things are going very bad, crushed when things get better and the owners are becoming well off exciting the envy of others and becoming a target for demagogy. It is very easy to do a crack down as in order to do anything in Cuba you have to violate the laws (like the one Kurt mentioned about the shrimps), buy something in the black market, frequently stuff stolen from the government and cheat on confiscatory taxes and licenses. I have seen those cycles several times so people do not have incentives to make long term investments, if they still try is because they have to survive. In the case of the buildings there is also shortage of materials for up-keeping and repairs along with the issue of who owns the common portion of the structure. Lack of enough new construction is what led to the subdivision of houses into smaller units and additional rooms as families grow and branch in the same house, not because somehow people prefer smaller living spaces. Most of those constructions are illegal and contribute to the collapse of old buildings not designed for such a load. Cows. Thanks to Castros experiments and lack of incentives with state ownership the livestock in Cuba dwindled, it used to have one head of cattle by people when he took power and Cuba was largely self-sufficient. The stories that Russ related are true although they sound incredibly bizarre to an American. The wife of a friend of mine who lived on the countryside told me she was on the lookout for the birds that feed on carcasses because people bold enough to kill a cow often just cut a leg and run leaving the animal bleeding to die, immediately the scavenger birds show off and she run to where they pointed to take some of what was left behind. Grocery stores in Cuba you have to see them to believe it and even the stores that sell in hard currency lack most things you find in a modest American supermarket, not to mention the variety. Most people coming from Cuba are just overwhelmed with the choices, sometimes to the point of breakdown, not just on malls or supermarkets but even in restaurants. As Mulligan said it is not the same to know about it as to have it in your face and have to make a decision about what you want. The special period. I dont even want to think about it. Public transportation almost collapse, you have to move around in a bicycle with too little food to sustain you, whatever food you got which was in many cases truly unfit for human consumption you have to divide it to have at least a little each day. I ate in the evening and went to bed immediately or hunger will keep me awake. One thing was never in short supply, benzodiazepines to keep people sedated and cheap alcohol. We were lucky that one of my brothers was is Brazil and sent us vitamins and some food as well as soap and toothpaste. For years after coming to America I had nightmares about somehow visiting Cuba and not being able to come back, call it PTSD. I was so desperate that I left on a suicide trip on a raft, thankfully I made it here alive, never to come back to Cuba. Finally if you want to see the real Cuba without having to go there open Google Earth, activate the pictures layer and click on the thousands of pictures regular people post there. I found the peoples supportadmiration of the Castros unsurprising. People are weird animals. Obama has made African Americans poorer and worse off by most metrics, but the metric they prize is not material but tribal and so give him support of 90s. I suspect if Obama was declared emperor for life and instituted a socialist European country his popularity would stay high for a long time. The strong man reminds us of primal impulses towards the hunter gatherer leader and no matter how oppressed and poor these leaders make us, they tend to have decent support. The norm of all history is violent control of the masses by the elite. Many are conditioned to be happy about this as long as they see their team as winning or perceive an external threat that is greater. It reminds me of an old anecdote from Econtalk about gouging and young men who drove to a hurricane area with an ice truck to sell ice. People stood in line to get ice, but the prices were too high and the cops were called. The people waiting in line for ice cheered when the cops took them away. People are nuts. People support and love dictators all the time. People support, admire, and even love elected politicians that care nothing for them and only seek to advance their own power, and outside of their TV personalities are nasty human beings. People are wired in weird ways. I looked into the religion-development lit a few years ago. Countries with Protestant missionaries had faster development than those with Catholic missionaries, because the protestants emphasized literacy for their members to read bibles in local languages. I think its easy to romanticize Cuba. An island paradise free from advertising and the stress of capitalism. Quaint shambling old buildings, brightly painted 50s cruisers. So on. I feel like Cuba is as much of an example of Communism as Disneyland is of a fairy kingdom. Its Communism-as-kitsche, a Communist theme park. Thats what makes me the most depressed, really. As Russ pointed out, Cuba prevents its citizens from leaving. Well of course they do I hope that everyone who visits Cuba realizes that they are visiting a zoo. A human zoo. Podcast Episodes Posted by Casey on 3:21 am in Family. Interview Shows. Parenting. Personal Development. Podcasts Comments Off on 327 8211 Ben Wood 8211 The Four Agreements 8211 Don Miguel Ruiz 8211 Personal Development Series Today David has a very special guest his 14 year old son, Ben. Those of you who tuned in last week, heard David share a very private and emotional moment, when he discovered that his son had started to lie to him. Today David shares more about how they managed to resolve the problem. Ben tells us about a book that he read to better understand the situation, and improve himself and his life. The book is called 8220The Four Agreements8221 by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is a practical guide to personal freedom it is about 4 agreements that you need to make with yourself to live a better and happier life. The 4 agreements are: 1) Be impeccable with your word: First with yourself, and then with others. 2) Don8217t take anything personally. 3) Don8217t make assumptions. 4) Always do your best. David takes Ben through these agreements and asks what he thinks they mean. Ben8217s most important take away from this book was: Always tell the truth, no matter what. That sounds like something we8217ve been hearing from David himself for quite a while: 8220Tell the truth all the time with compassion.8221 Songs: Killer Queen by Queen Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen I Want To Break Free by Queen Another One Bites The Dust by Queen Books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz The Speed of Trust by Stephen. Posted by Casey on 3:45 pm in Leadership. Personal Development. Podcasts Comments Off on 326 8211 Simon Sinek 8211 Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe 8211 Personal Development Series Today8217s show is about a very important and deep topic Today David talks about 8220Trust8221 and it8217s value, 8220Truth8221 and it8217s liberating powers. He talks about the Power of trust to make us feel safe On that topic, David plays us bits of Simon Sinek8217s speeches where he talks about trust and leadership. Simon talks about the military and companies, and explains how 8220Leadership is a Choice not a Rank8221 And what makes people want to follow one person vs. another regardless of their rank andor authority, only because those are the ones that have 8220Chosen8221 to look after the people around them. A trained ethnographer and author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon Sinek has held a life-long curiosity for why people and organizations do the things they do. Sinek is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as a visionary thinker with a rare intellect, Sinek teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people go home everyday feeling fulfilled by their work, Sinek is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. He is best known for discovering the Golden Circle and popularizing the concept of Why, the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us. The Golden Circle is a naturally occurring pattern, grounded in the biology of human decision making, that explains why we are inspired by some people, leaders, messages and organizations over others. Sinek shares his optimism with all who will listen. He speaks around the globe and has commented for local and national press, including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, FastCompany, CMO Magazine, NPR and BusinessWeek. Sinek is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, writes his own blog, simonsinek and makes regular guest appearances on MSNBCs Your Business, among others. Songs: Someone Like You by Adele Saving Private Ryan 8211 The Hymn to the Fallen by John Williams People by Barbara Streisand In The Navy by Village People Quotes 8220If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.8221 John Quincy. Posted by Casey on 3:36 am in Personal Development. Podcasts Comments Off on 324 8211 Celebrate Your Life Top Tips for an Extraordinary Life 8211 Personal Development Series Weve heard it and we know it, but, boy do we need to be reminded every once in a while. This is exactly what David does for us today, so make sure you dont miss todays show David talks about the importance of celebrating yourself, your friends, your family, and how easily it can be done. The show is full of inspirational quotes from Gandhi to Marilyn Monroe Listen, get inspired, and crank up the dial on your life Songs today: Celebrate 8211 Kool amp The Gang Celebrate 8211 Uncle Kracker Celebrate 8211 Kid Rock Celebrate 8211 Jordin Sparks I Just Want to Celebrate 8211 Rare. You dont want to miss this show Today, David talks, tenderly, about a great man who has been an inspiration in his life. A man who wants for nothing, and can chose anywhere in the whole world to live, but has chosen a remote island that can house only 40 people, to call home. A man who brings out a sense of honor and beauty in everything he touches. The man is Sir Richard Branson and the story is about his home, his private island, Necker. Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is an English business magnate and investor. He is best known as the founder of Virgin Group, which comprises more than 400 companies. At the age of sixteen his first business venture was a magazine called Student. In 1970, he set up a mail-order record business. In 1972, he opened a chain of record stores, Virgin Records, later known as Virgin Megastores. Branson8217s Virgin brand grew rapidly during the 1980s, as he set up Virgin Atlantic and expanded the Virgin Records music label. According to the Forbes 2012 list of billionaires, Branson is the sixth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, with an estimated net worth of US4.6 billion. David reminds you again to crank up the dial on your life and squeeze the juice out of every second. To watch Richard Branson8217s story of Necker Island click on the link below: youtubewatchvSTCqSXCbbcw Song Today: Stevie Wonder 8211 Happy Birthday. Posted by Casey on 9:09 pm in Interview Shows. Podcasts. Triumph Comments Off on 322 8211 How to Focus and Follow Through with Les Hewitt With more than 30 years experience, LES HEWITT understands the real world of business and the struggle to stay focused. His organization has created and delivered more than 900 workshops and training programs that have been utilized by thousands of executives, managers and sales leaders. Les is also the founder of The Power of Focus Leadership Training Program, a unique focusing system for business leaders who want greater profits, less stress and more time off The Power of Focus has worked with more than 300 companies in Canada, United States, Australia, the UK and the Republic of. Posted by Casey on 2:54 pm in Interview Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 321 8211 Find 038 Follow your PASSION with Mike Johnston To be honest with you, when I heard that I would be interviewing a drum teacher I was not 100 sure whether it would be the kind of show that was suited for The Kickass Life. What happened next blew my mind. Mike Johnstons story is so incredibly powerful and his passion oozes out of every word. This is a story of how one man went against the odds and gave up the high life as a musician traveling the world, to follow his passion for teaching, and how his passion has turned into a multi-million dollar enterprise that truly inspires others. This was one of those interviews where the end comes way too quickly, and I was left wanting more. Whats the little voice in your head whispering And do you have the courage to listen and then follow the path of your deepest passion Find out how Mike did just that. Video Links Mike8217s Drum Lessons: mikeslessons Facebook: facebookmikejohnstondrumlessons. Posted by Casey on 4:05 pm in Gratitude. Interview Shows. Personal Development. Personal Transformation. Podcasts Comments Off on 320 8211 Peak Mindset To Create Your Ideal Life 8211 Andy Murphy 8211 Personal Development Series Today David is excited for the opportunity to be chatting with Andy Murphy. Andy is a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistics and Mental Performance. He is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer and Coach using cutting edge psychological tools blended with his own 21st century version of eastern philosophy to help global clients excel to their full potential. Today Andy will talk about: What it means to have a Peak Mindset. How we are ALL affected by society. His journey and how his life changed. What Neuro Linguistics is, who uses it. Making new connections using your brain, re-programing your brain. The importance of expanding your belief. Steps to follow to have a Peak Mindset and the importance of gratitude. What an amazing show Andy is very passionate about Neuro Linguistics and how he can help people all over the world. He will share his beautiful design for his future and every day, his grandmothers advice and his amazing energy he has for life Useful Links: andymurphy. biz Andys podcasts To learn more about Network Marketing check out Davids Network Marketing Mythbusters on youtube here. Also register and get your 12 Free Videos. Posted by Casey on 3:07 pm in Gratitude. Personal Development. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 319 8211 Thandie Newton 8211 8216Self8217 vs. 8216Oneness8217 8211 Personal Development Series In today8217s show David will discuss Thandie Newton8217s TED Talk and how our beliefs that are formed and how we can embrace 8216otherness8217 and 8216oneness8217 to explore, grow and change and to be our best and live life to its fullest. Thandie and David will discuss: Our 8216oneness8217 vs. 8216separateness8217 How the 8216self8217 that we design, becomes the vehicle through which we experience the world How the 8216self8217 and our belief that is designed by others is not our vehicle and not our truth, but is something that we can and should change in order to find a 8216self8217 that fits How the 8216otherness8217 and the desire to be a part of something affects our mind as we want to fit in How dance and acting gave Thandie insight and the deep insight into other lives and emotions How we never enter into our authentic self when we act out to win the approval of others How 8216race8217 simply comes from our desire to create difference How 8216oneness8217 becomes possible through awareness and how critical that is to find our purpose and live life at it8217s fullest How the lack of 8216self8217 is how we find our truest self, authenticity, and purpose Quote for today: 8220I had a degree from Cambridge and was an ac tor. But my life was a car crash.8221 8211 Thandie Newton Links for today: tedtalksthandienewtonembracingothernessembracingmyself Songs today: Your Song 8211 Elton John Candle In the Wind 8211 Elton John I8217m Still Standing 8211 Elton John. Joining David today is a great friend and a renowned throughout the world as the best selling Author for almost a decade for his book Men Are From Mars, Women are from Venus, selling over 50 million books, our guest today is Dr. John Gray, John is a Master Trainer, Author, Humanitarian and Professional Network Marketer. Today John will talk about: About his book Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and what inspired him to teach and write this book. Johns beautiful journey of teaching, becoming a writer becoming a Hindu Monk, teaching Yoga, mediation and his role model, Maharishi and what he learned from him. A sneak peak of a few things women like and why men and woman are so different and sexual attraction. Peoples hormones and how they are going out of balance. John is truly amazing to listen too, you learn about his life journey to date and some great tips from his books on building healthy wonderful relationships. Be sure to listen in Useful Links. Posted by Casey on 3:14 pm in Best Of The Kickass Life. Personal Transformation. Podcasts. Triumph Comments Off on 317 8211 Living Beyond Limits 8211 Amy Purdy8217s Amazing Journey, Story 038 Triumph Imagine if your life were a book and you were the author What story, what great adventure would you be writing yourself into and what actions would you be taking every day to bring it all to life Included in today8217s show, David discusses Amy Purdy8217s journey who has been a stellar example of living beyond limits and has been in the Olympics, TED Talk, Dancing with the Stars A wonderful and inspiring story and show On Todays Show: Unveiling Adversities Secrets Choosing how Long You Need to Overcome Adversity Amy Purdys Story Amys Low Point and How it Propelled Her Why Someone Who Loses Limbs Decides Not to Have them Back Your Challenge to Write Yourself onto a Great Adventure Amy Purdys TED Talk tedtalksamypurdylivingbeyondlimits Todays Songs: Walk with you Ann Reed Forgot my Shoes Ann Reed Telling Stories Angelika Dusk Telling Stories Tracy Chapman Dirty Little Secrets 8211 Telling Stories Today8217s Quotes: 8220The obstacles are not there to keep us out, they are there to see if we want it bad enough.8221 8211 Randy Pausch 8220Borders and Obstacles can Only do One of Two Things Stop us in Our Tracks or Unleash Our Imagination.8221 8211 Amy. Posted by Casey on 4:37 pm in Best Of The Kickass Life. Happiness. Podcasts. Triumph Comments Off on 316 8211 Dr. Lance Wallnau 8211 The Power of Faith and Being a Level 10 Leader Today David is chatting with a close friend and one of the worlds thought leaders Dr. Lance Wallnau. Lance is a world-class trainer and consultant. What do best selling author Ken Blanchard, former president of the Ritz Carlton, Horst Schulze, the youngest Trump apprentice and Supermodel Kim Alexis, and The KickAss life host David Wood all have in common They all agree that Lance Wallnau has impacted their lives. Today Dr. Lance Wallnau will talk about: Why our Nations are struggling and how he can influence top leaders in society to help to create a bigger world from the top down. Dealing with stereotypes we all have. Living in fear and what helps us to deal with this fear. His life before he has impacted so many lives and his faith. What you can learn living as a Level 10 Leader. What a great show Be sure to listen in to Dr. Wallnau as he shares passion in helping others and some great stories. Useful Links. When you look around your house, office, garage or car are there little piles of clutter, unfinished jobs, or small jobs that you have been thinking about but never started What about unfinished conversations or conversations that should have happened but didnt If you are human then I guarantee that there are which means that you are going to love the 5 minute challenge What you will learn: How Davids son, Ben resolved a major conflict The broken window theory Why municipalities fix broken windows and remove graffiti What your broken windows may be How to fix your broken windows How to have clearing conversations The 5 minute challenge Todays Songs: Billy Gene Michael Jackson Broken Window Serenade Whiskey Myers Pick it Up Donnie Klang Todays Quotes: 8220Agree to disagree agreeably8221 8220First seek to understand and then be understood 8220 The Broken Window Theory: en. wikipedia. orgwikiBrokenwindowstheory Hugh Culvers Blog hughculverwhy-you-need-to-fix-broken-windows-in-your-life. Posted by Casey on 1:53 pm in Personal Development. Personal Transformation. Podcasts Comments Off on 314 8211 Unleash the Power of Goal Setting 8211 David T. S. Wood David shares the secret of his own success by sharing how to use goal setting to unleash your personal power and to move you into a life that is currently only a wish or a dream. What you will learn on Todays Show: The SMART Acronym S Specific M - Measurable A-Attainable R-Realistic T-Timely A Goal vs a Good Idea Why Writing it Down is So Important Its All in the Details Stretching Goals Breakthrough Goals Why Reading Goals is Critical A Goal Book What to Carry in Your Wallet The 10 Million Dollar Check Why Goals Lead to Mastery Starting NOW Todays Songs: Getting There by Quinn Sullivan Dreams by The Cranberries Dreams by Fleetwood Mac Dreams by John Legend What Oprah Learned from Jim Carrey oprahoprahs-lifeclassWhat-Oprah-Learned-from-Jim-Carrey-Video Todays Quotes If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, Liberates your energy and inspires your hopes If you are bored with life, if you dont get up every morning with a Burning desire to do things, you dont have enough goals You want to set a goal that is big enough that is the process Of achieving it you become someone worth. Have your dreams and show up everyday. We are excited today for you to be joining David while he chats with his very dear friend Mike Dooley about life, religion, philosophy and success. Mike Dooleys Adventure Club (tut) is enjoyed in 200 countries by 500,000 fellow adventurers daily, his New York times best selling books have been translated into 25 languages and his appearance on the International phenomenon The Secret helped the world understand that Thoughts do in fact become things On todays show Mike will talk about: How old he was when he started to ask BIG questions and whom he could share this with. The nature of reality, and applying this in every aspect of his life. The importance of asking the HARD questions. How POSTIVE thoughts will always out weigh the NEGATIVE. Spiritualty and Religion. Great advice on how you can achieve clarity, power and happiness. The Notes from the Universe. You dont want to miss this interview, Mike Dooleys language is beautiful and this show could change your life. Be sure to listen to the end Useful Links Notes from the Universe Website. David interviews one of the biggest influencers of the You can do itwork from home and spend more time with your family movement. Pat Flynn went from a desk job as an architect, to creating an online empire, and is now one of the most sought-after speakers in the blogging and podcasting industry. Today Pat talks about: Losing his job he loved and where he is today. The importance of connecting with the right people. His passion for helping others to create their own success. Having a passive income and residual income and what this means. His income and why he shares this with everyone. Why he does everything ONLINE. What LEED 8211 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and how you can take this exam. His ebooks The Smart Way What a great show, Pat is known as the HONEST network marketer, he shares his amazing story of how he started to build his online successful business and how you too can start creating your empire at smartpassiveincome. Useful Links. Posted by Casey on 3:23 pm in Happiness. Health. Love. Meditation. Uang. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 311 8211 Jack Canfield 8211 The Success Principles, What Makes Him Happy 038 Giving Back Taking Action Today David is chatting with an amazing friend and one of his favorite people, Jack Canfield. Jack truly walks his talk He is Americas leading success coach and author of close to 250 books, including the bestselling blockbuster The Success Principles, shares his road to success, including some of his most challenging moments and darkest hours. Jacks ability to deliver proven strategies for success that are both simple and effective is such a rare gift that you may find yourself listening to this show over and over again. Today Jack will share Where he is today AND how he got there. Doing what he loves to do and what makes him HAPPY. The importance of following your heart and what questions to ask yourself to make this happen. A few steps to create a vision, setting goals and find out your purpose and moving in the right direction. Avoid negative toxic people. The importance of volunteering and giving back Creating a habit and ensuring everyone around you is supporting you. Why you should read and meditate and what this will do for you. Jacks ability to deliver proven strategies for success that are both simple and effective is such a rare gift that you may find yourself listening to this show over and over again. The Success Principles HOW TO GET FROM WHERE YOU ARE TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE The Success Principles is a roadmap for anyonefrom marketing professionals to small business owners, and from teachers to students and parentsstriving to achieve their professional and personal dreams and goals. Touching on every aspect of our lives, Jack Canfield offers 64 practical and inspiring principles to get any aspiring person from where they are to where they want to be. Get The Success Principals Here Other Books By Jack Canfield: Jack Canfield8217s Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams by Jack Canfield The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield Maximum Confidence: Ten Secrets of Extreme Self-Esteem by Jack Canfield Coaching for Breakthrough Success: Proven Techniques for Making Impossible Dreams Possible by Jack Canfield Tapping Into Ultimate Success: How to Overcome Any Obstacle and Skyrocket Your Results by Jack Canfield The Power of Focus Tenth Anniversary Edition: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty by Jack Canfield The Success Principles for Teens: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield Self-Esteem amp Peak Performance by Jack Canfield Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit by Jack Canfield Useful LINKS Website: jackcanfield Facebook: facebookJackCanfieldFan Twitter. Posted by Casey on 6:00 pm in Gratitude. Happiness. Personal Transformation. Podcasts Comments Off on 310 8211 Marci Shimoff (from The Secret) 8211 The Formula for Happiness 038 How to Reset Your Happiness Point (Chicken Soup for the Soul) The female face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, with a staggering 6 best-selling titles in the series, including the blockbuster Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul. She has sold 14 million books in 33 languages, dominating the New York Times Best Seller List for a total of 108 weeks, making Marci one of the best selling female non-fiction authors of all time. She is a featured teacher in the international film and book phenomenon The Secret. Her two new books, Happy for no Reason and Love for no Reason, are absolutely groundbreaking. Join David Wood as he delves into Marcis journey of how she went from a D to an A - in her own happiness, and along the way interviewed and researched the likes of his holiness the Dalai Lama, and other incredible people who have cracked the happiness code. Today Marci will share: What she wanted in life and her waking up moment. The Happiness set point and the FORMULA. How she felt being the presence of the Dalai Lama. Changing habits and taking responsibility. The importance of forgiving YOURSELF and OTHERS WOW Marci is beautiful to listen to you dont want to miss this great show Marci will have you do simple practices that will have you feeling amazing. She shares touching stories of herself and her family. Marci Shimoff8217s books: Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out by Marci Shimoff (Kindle Version) (Audio CD) Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love by Marci Shimoff (Kindle Version) (Audio CD) Useful Links: happyfornoreasonHome. asp Quote: 8220Marci is not only incredibly intelligent, passionate and driven woman, she is also a beautiful person inside and out, and I am so glad that we get to hang out as friends and am really excited about co-creating together8221 - David T. S. Posted by Casey on 3:34 pm in Podcasts. Time Management Comments Off on 309 8211 Jim Kwik 8211 Learn Anything Faster Jim Kwik is CEO of Kwik Learning and Founder of SuperHero You, and is a sought after keynote speaker and trainer of TOP business organizations and Universities worldwide. He has shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson and his Holiness the Dalai Lama among other notables. Jim Kwik joins David Wood as they speak about how to maximize your superpower brain, navigate the information overload, and unlock true genius to live and lead a KickAss life. Today Jim will share: His love for reading and why. Information Fatigue Syndrome and what this is and doing to so many. The importance of HOW to learn. About the 5 obstacles of effective reading What he learned from a close friend at 18 years old. About SuperHero you and what this means to Jim and what this can do for you. You dont want to miss this great show Jims QUOTES are so inspiring and he is truly an expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance and accelerated learning. He is beautiful to listen to and we guarantee you will learn from him. Useful Links: jimkwik. Be ready to laugh Today David is excited to be chatting with his good friend Les Brown, whose straight-from-the-heart, high-energy, passionate message motivates and engages everyone who listens, to step into their greatness and live their dreams. Les Brown is the number one motivational speaker in the world, a renowned speech coach, and best-selling author. Today Les will share: Going from poverty to earning 125,000 for one speaking engagement. How he was able to beat the odds and regain his health after being diagnosed with Cancer of the spine. The power of positive relationships. Motivational quotes he loves A little peak of what he teaches his audiences What an amazing show, Les amp David together will make you laugh out loud Les is inspirational and his story is beautiful. Books: 8211 Live Your Dreams: Say 8220YES8221 to Life by Les Brown (Kindle Edition) 8211 It8217s Not Over Until You Win: How to Become the Person You Wanted No Matter What the Obstacles by Les Brown (Audio CD) 8211 Up Thoughts for Down Times by Les Brown 8211 Step Into Your Greatness by Les Brown (CDDVD) 8211 Fight For Your Dreams: The Power of Never Giving Up by Les Brown Useful Links: lesbrown Twitter: LesBrown77 Facebook: facebookBrown. Les. 8220When I take 100 responsibility for everything in my life and everything not in my life, there is no one left to blame.8221 8220Everything you experience is a result of choices we have made in our past8221 David explores what he considers to be the number one key to success. This can be a tough one and one that many will struggle with as it means letting go of old stories and creating new ones. What you will learn on Todays Show: The Ultimate Success Formula A 90 Day Challenge The Process of Manifestation How we get trapped by our circumstances How to create the life of your dreams by taking responsibility ES P. Event Story Problem ENS NP. Same Event No Story No Problem ER O. Event Response Outcome Songs Todays Show: Happy Pharrell Williams Smile Uncle Kracker Happy Brandi. Posted by Casey on 8:25 am in Interview Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 305 8211 John Assaraf 8211 Vision Boards and Peak Personal Performance Creator of the Vision Board John Assaraf is New York Times Best selling author of two books (including The Answer), entrepreneur, brain researcher and explorer of consciousness and human behavior and featured guest on the international blockbuster The Secret. Today John will talk about the Neuroscience of Success, achieving Peak and Personal Performance by embracing the C. R.A. P in your universe and using it as a springboard to lead a KickAss life. Today John will share: His life at a young age, taking risks and how one individual changed his life. Being insecure and the meaning of this. Research today why we do the things we do. Setting goals, creating plans, building his own Real Estate company The CRAP Board Conflict, Resistance, Anxiety and Problems8221 and what this means. The importance of a Vision Board. Being in control of your own life. This is an amazing show. John is so passionate about research, helping and teaching people to build confidence and reach their goals. Book Links: The Answer by John Assaraf The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Connect with John: johnassaraf Twitter: johnassaraf Facebook: facebookjohnassaraf Music Man in the Mirror Michael Jackson The Climb Miley. Posted by Casey on 7:08 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Happiness. Uang. Podcasts Comments Off on 304 8211 Bob Burg 8211 The Go Giver 8211 5 Little Secrets that Will Change Your Life 5 little secrets that will change your life. Bob Burg8217s international bestseller is a quick and powerful read that can definitely change your life and set you on a path to financial success and true happiness. Listen as David explores this book, The Go Giver, and dives into the five important areas of personal reflection and growth. A Quick and Really Fun Overview of The Go Giver: youtubewatchvTNjNuFjn4hM The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success Value Compensation Influence Authenticity Receptivity Books Today: The Go Giver 8211 Bob Burg Todays Songs: S. O.S Abba Money, Money, Money Abba Magic Coldplay Yellow Coldplay Todays Quotes: We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. Winston S. Churchill It8217s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. Mother. Posted by Casey on 6:32 pm in Happiness. Health. Interview Shows. Personal Transformation. Podcasts Comments Off on 303 8211 Suze Casey 8211 Flipping Your Inner Switch to Happiness and Success Be Kind to YOURSELF Today David is very excited to be talking to Suze Casey. Suze is an internationally published author, teacher, speaker, weekly radio show host and entrepreneur. Following a 20 year career as an educator, teaching students from grade 6 to post-graduate, in 1999 Suze began her private practice offering personal and business coaching programs and courses. Here clients share a commitment to personal growth, development and change. Suzes fascination has always been with the mysteries of the human mind 8211 how we learn, change and come to know our own truths. Her greatest joy is in supporting others to learn, grow and embrace their potential. She travels extensively sharing her message, and comes home to the beautiful Rocky Mountain foothills in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Today Suze will share: Reconditioning ourselves, and why practice is so important. Her great APP she created 365 re-pattern Word of the Day Suzes story before she crossed the line and when she decided to teach herself well. The difference between Inner Critic and Inner Coach. Daily practices, thinking positive and knowing you have choices Flipping the Switch 8211 Great examples and exercises we can all do from her book Belief Re-Patterning Suze is amazing, and this show is beautiful she is passionate about teaching people to uncover their true self, forgiving, having control and having choices. Find out how to call into Suzes radio show Suzes Book: Belief Re-Patterning The Amazing Technique for Flipping the Switch to Positive thoughts Useful Links: beliefrepatterning suzecasey 8211 Flipping the Switch with Suze Casey 365 Re-Pattern 365 Re-Pattern. Posted by Casey on 12:46 pm in 600 Seconds. Podcasts Comments Off on 302 8211 600 Seconds 8211 5 Ways to Listen Better 8211 Julian Treasure In our louder and louder world we are losing our listening. Have you noticed how some people find it incredibly difficult to focus and even harder to really listen to someone to the point where they really understand them. In todays show David explores The five ways to listen better as shared by Julian Treasure in his Ted Talk which currently has 2,039,557 listens. What You Will Learn on Todays Show: The Facts about listening Techniques to develop great listening skills How to re-tune your ears What conscious listening is The Five ways to listen better Julian Treasure: tedtalksjuliantreasure5waystolistenbettert-173055 Todays Songs: Manic Monday The Bangles Monday Monday The Mammas and Pappas Monday The Living End Todays Fun Facts. A National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, Wade Davis has been described as a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of lifes diversity. Wade Davis discusses the importance of embracing all cultures, especially those we are unfamiliar with to gain a greater perspective on our world and the beauty in life in general. David discusses some of the key topics from Wade8217s TedTalk and how we can start to gain a better understanding and close the divide between all of us. Be curious, and tread the road less travelled by 8216tourists8217, and embrace the unique spirit and energy that is in all cultures. Ted Talks Wade Davis: Dreams from Endangered Cultures tedtalkswadedavisonendangeredcultures Wade Davis8217 Book: Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest (Kindle Version) Your Challenge This Week: Reach out across an ethnic or cultural or religious divide in your city and gain a better understanding of the greatness in other, who are different than you. Todays Songs: Sharman Fever Shiva In Exile Breathing Shiva In Exile Desert Journey Solace The Coolest Ethnic Trend Phoenix Legend. Six time best-selling author, world renowned speaker, teacher and coach, Lisa Nichols, is known throughout the world as a breakthrough specialist for the results she helps others achieve. Guest on the self-help phenomenon 8220The Secret8221, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Starting Over, Lisa shares with David a 3 step daily exercise that changed her life. This is a wonderful show where David gets real with his good friend Lisa about her journey from a struggling single Mom living in the bad part of town in LA, to internationally acclaimed and widely respected multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Learn more about her upcoming conference: Speak amp Write to Make Millions, May 2-5, in San Diego, CA Register or connect with Lisa at motivatingthemasses You can also connect with Lisa on Facebook: facebookLisaNicholsFanPage Lisa8217s Books: No Matter What. 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love by Lisa Nichols Living Proof: Celebrating the Gifts That Came Wrapped in Sandpaper by Lisa Nichols Unbreakable Spirit by Lisa Nichols Teachers of The Secret 8211 Lisa Nichols Songs from Today: You8217ve Got a Friend in Me by Michael Buble It8217s a Beautiful Day by Michael Buble. David is just back from Laguna Beach, CA after three back to back events including a keynote to 105 happy Millionaires. David shared with them how they can use the four agreements from his good friend Don Miguel Ruiz. Enjoy The Four Agreements 1) Be Impeccable With Your Word 2) Dont Take Anything Personally 3) Dont Make Assumptions 4) Always do Your Best humanpotentialunlimitedSummary-content. html Todays Songs Gypsy Kings Bern Bern Maria Gypsy Kings Djobi Djobi Gypsy Kings 8211 Bamboleo Gypsy Kings 8211 Volare Gypsy Kings Baila Me Todays Comedian Denis Regan youtubewatchvHqQmbIDeSX4. From the beach, David shares a critical lesson that he just went through in helping a friend. When struggling with your current life, how do you change things to make the future different The focus of the mind and your vision that you cast, guides what happens in your future. Listen to the show, unlock your potential and the life that you really want to have. What you will learn today: Make sure that your experiences of their past do not become the life in your future How do you get the happiness in your life The importance of forgiveness of things in the past Immediate forgiveness of things that happen now The wand in your hand for Possibility Thinking Here8217s your homework: Cast your vision (what do you want more of, what does that life feel like) What is one small shift I can make right now, to start moving toward that vision What actions do I take to feel purposeful and satisfied each and every day Enjoy who you are and all that you can be and create the kickass life you want to life. Tim Ferriss (The Four Hour Work Week The Four Hour Body and The Four Hour Chef) Joins David for an action-packed show, as Tim shares his journey from being unknown to an internationally acclaimed best selling author of three books. Forbes Magazine describes Tim as one of the names you most need to know. Tim is a master learner, who is passionate about helping others become master learners and teachers so that together they can create greater change in the world. His latest book, The 4 hour Chef is a masterpiece for anyone who is ready to create a Kickass Life and is passionate about learning anything by utilizing the Meta Learning Approach. Within the pages of the book you will discover how your skills in the kitchen can translate to learning anything, and how using the books blueprint of learning, can assist you in tackling any passion, any fear or any goal with greater fun and success. About the Four Hour Chef: In The 4-Hour Chef, 1 New York Times best-selling author (and lifelong non-cook) Tim Ferriss takes you from Manhattan to Okinawa, from Silicon Valley to Calcutta, unearthing the secrets of the worlds fastest learners and greatest chefs. Ferriss uses cooking to teach meta-learning, a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything, whether searing steak, speaking Spanish, or shooting 3-pointers in basketball. In Tims Own Words: The real recipe of The 4-Hour Chef: Whether you want to learn how to speak a new language in three months, how to shoot a three-pointer in one weekend, or how to memorize a deck of cards in less than a minute, the true recipe of this book is exactly that: a process for acquiring any skill. The vehicle I chose is cooking. Yes, Ill teach you all the most flexible techniques of culinary school using 14 strategically chosen meals, all with four or fewer ingredients, and all taking 5-20 minutes to prepare (literally, The 4-Hour Chef). But I wrote this book to make you a master student of all things. Tim8217s Books: The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life (Kindle Version) The 4-Hour Body: The Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded amp Updated) Once you8217ve purchased all three books, go to 3books4hourchef for several hundred pages of bonus material from some of the most amazing trainers in the world. Songs Today: It8217z Just What We Do 8211 by Florida Georgia Line Just Do It 8211 Yonatan. The healing power and importance of friendship is well understated. The studies, statistics and clarity around the value of friends is reaching an all time high. They show that no matter what is going on with life one of he absolute keys to health, happiness and success are our friends. No other factor has a greater impact on our health than friendship and love and the number 1 key to a lasting marriage is also friendship. Let8217s take a listen and think through the ways we can strengthen our current friendships and make new ones. This week8217s mission: Go first and make one new friend Brain Regan Very Funny youtubewatchvzVRVA3mun3Q 50 Weird Facts livin3blogspositive-life-blog9939728-50-cool-and-weird-fun-facts-that-you-should-know Stats on friendship ladivalatinawillyoubemyfriend. html Songs Old Time Rock and Roll Bob Seger amp The Silver Bullet Band Turn the Page Bob Seger amp The Silver Bullet. Posted by Casey on 5:40 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Family. Parenting. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 295 8211 Dealing with 038 Navigating the Waters of Infidelity 8211 Dr. Phil A question was posted to David about how to deal with a father who you just learned had been having a 20 year affair, so in this show, David talks through his experience on this matter, through some of the overall statistics and how to move past this season of anger, sadness and disappointment. David explores his own life and those he knows well, the writings of a well known author on this, and also a video done by Dr. Phil. In this show you will learn The danger of proximity How to get through this if this is your spouse How to get through this if this is a parent How to move on and forgive When does the pain stop and when can you move on When you can trust again This is an important lesson for everyone to learn, whether you are or have experienced infidelity directly or have a friend or relative that you can share this with. Today David is so GRATEFUL to be interviewing Andrea Owen. Andrea owns the 8216YOUR KICKASS LIFE8217 brand and has allowed David to share part of this name to use for this podcast over the years Andrea is an author, coach mentor, and certified life coach who helps women get what they want by facing their fears and limiting beliefs that are holding them back, taking radical action along the way, and stepping into their own kick-ass version of themselves. She has helped hundreds of people manage their inner-critic to break through and live their most kick-ass life. When shes not juggling her full coaching practice, Andrea is busy playing roller derby under the name Veronica Vain, competing in triathlons, chasing her 6 year-old son and 4 year-old daughter or making out with her husband, Jason. Today Andrea will talk about: Why she chose to live a Kickass Life. Her journey and why she decided to write her book 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life. Her fears and what helps her move forward. Getting her Book Deal and the process. Tips to create a following. Some of her favorite chapters in the book. Apologize from your HEART. The importance of giving a straight answer. Being authentic. Why do so many of us say YES and want to PLEASE others What a beautiful show Andrea is amazing and fun, she shares so many touching stories about her life and her book. This is a must read, and will resonate with so many of us. Useful Links: facebookyourkickasslife yourkickasslife Book: 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life by Andrea Owen (Kindle). Today8217s show features the ten things that scientist agree will make you happier. Have a quick listen to this 600 Second Podcast and make today and happy day Useful Links: Article From Yes Magazine yesmagazine. orgissuessustainable-happiness10-things-science-says-will-make-you Todays Fun Facts savvysugarfacts-make-you-smile-32288928 Todays Songs Good To Be Me Uncle Kracker Dont Worry Be Happy Bobby McFerrin Happy (from Despicable Me 2) Pharrell. Posted by Casey on 3:49 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Belize. Podcasts. Travel Comments Off on 292 8211 Unlocking the Adventurous Spirit 8211 from Thatch Caye, Belize Straight from his island, Thatch Caye in Belize, David discusses with his island business partners, Mike and Peter, about their love of adventure and the embracing their passion and love of life. In today8217s show they discuss: The importance of finding adventure in life The bond between friends who spend time and adventure together The power of saying 8216yes8217 and 8216both8217 How a vegan and 10 year vegetarian embrace local culture and conscious hunting of iguanas It8217s truly amazing how so many stop themselves from living a life of adventure because of the 8220I can8217t go because82308221 mindset. This must be changed to 8220Yes8230how do I do it8221 mindset. Enjoy this great show and focus on unlocking your adventurous spirit If you are interested in going to Thatch Caye, click here. And if you are interested in joining the Amplified Island Adventure, learn more here. Be sure to listen to David8217s other new podcast, Amplified Network Marketing if you are looking for a vehicle to create freedom in your life. AmplifiedNetworkMarketing. Posted by Casey on 3:51 pm in Happiness. Interview Shows. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 291 8211 Matt Eldridge 8211 Living The Dream: Building a Business Out of Passion 038 Purpose Foursum Loving Golf, Being an Entrepreneur LIVING THE DREAM. Today David is excited to be chatting with Matt Eldridge. Matt is the President and Co-Founder of Foursum Golf. He feels that his failures are his best lessons and successes that have helped him grow into the leader he needs to be for Foursum. Growing a company, helping grow the game of golf, and learning from great people he surrounds himself with daily, is the ultimate dream 8211 plus he gets to test golf all the time. Today Matt shares: The frustrations of playing golf and what makes so many come back. Connecting with the little white ball, and the amazing feeling everyone has when they do. How Matt started Foursum and feeling the passion of doing what he absolutely loves. What this Golf APP can do and what Matts goals are with this Brand. How golfing builds relations, and connections and can be very fulfilling. Having a great partnerships. How technology can help make this game more fun, interactive and growing the game. Why Golf is great for younger people. What is a HAT TIP Be sure to listen in and hear Matts love and passion for golf and what this great APP Foursum can do And, some great advice to Entrepreneurs. He is LIVING THE DREAM everyday Useful Links: foursumabout itunes. appleusappfoursum-golfid688035250mt8 Come Join Us at Our Events: AmplifiedNetworkMarketingevents Find Davids new show: amplifiednetworkmarketing Facebook Page for New show: fbampdnm. From his island, Thatch Caye, just off the coast of Belize, David discusses his philosophy and pragmatic advice on how to control the time in your life. So often, time seems to slip by, or it is a struggle to keep up with life itself and it is often an excuse that there is not enough money. There are certainly options to get out of the J. O.B. you have, but even in your life right now, you have the opportunity to live life to it8217s fullest Enjoy today8217s show and get your week going. David discusses Amy Cuddy8217s research and TED presentation on body language. Amy Cuddys research on body language reveals that we can change other peoples perceptions and even our own body chemistry simply by changing our body position. Why you should listen Amy Cuddy wasnt supposed to become a successful scientist. In fact, she wasnt even supposed to finish her undergraduate degree. Early in her college career, Cuddy suffered a severe head injury in a car accident, and doctors said she would struggle to fully regain her mental capacity and finish her undergraduate degree. But she proved them wrong. Today, Cuddy is a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School, where she studies how nonverbal behavior and snap judgments affect people from the classroom to the boardroom. And her training as a classical dancer (another skill she regained after her injury) is evident in her fascinating work on 8220power posing8221 8212 how your body position influences others and even your own brain. Useful Links: TED Presentation Todays Quotes: 8220What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear a word that youre saying8221 8220Communication and feelings are 55 body language, 38 tone and only 7 words8221 Todays Songs: Rock that Body The Black Eyed Peas Your Body Christina Aguilera B. O.D. Y VIXX Your Body Pretty Ricky Your Body Is a Wonderland John Mayer. Living a life of Range, today David is very excited to be interviewing Matt Theriault, an accidental success coach that helps people pick themselves up after a major let-down and Do Over Matt is an entrepreneur, author, success coach and host of Your Do Over, a weekly podcast on inspiring come back stories that teach people how to start over with ease, speed and success. He is also the creator of the Epic Real Estate Investing podcast. Today Matt shares: Going from riches producing a record every month to losing his wife and JOB in a very short time. What his life was like after producing music and how he recreated himself. How important it is to emerge technologies and having multiple streams to generate products, clients and marketing. Changing his mindset and how he became determined to make a change in his life. The moment of realization being a Real Estate agent and knowing he had to make a change. How making multiple streams of income has changed his life. Finding Financial Freedom and having passive income streams to writing his book Do Over. Matts story is so real and relatable, he shares the importance of believing and getting close to those who share the same dreams and being intentional about your environment. Books Magic of Thinking Big Awaken The Giant Within Rich Dad, Poor Dad The Cash Flow Quadrant Songs for Matt: Starting Over 8211 Tony Lucca Starting Over 8211 La Toya Jackson Useful Links: matttheriault Come Join Us at Our Events: AmplifiedNetworkMarketingevents Find Davids new show: amplifiednetworkmarketing Facebook Page for New show: fbampdnm. Posted by Casey on 1:34 pm in 600 Seconds. Happiness. Podcasts Comments Off on 287 8211 600 Seconds 8211 What Happy, Successful People Choose to Ignore Today David shares some things that he and his friends choose to ignore in order to live a happy life and be successful How to deal with Judgment What to do with old troubles from the past How to cope with lifes little frustrations Why hard work is so important Why patience is so important This weeks challenge Comedy by Steven Wright Speaking Spanish makeuseoftagtop-10-standup-comedy-videos-youtube Todays Music: Peter Gabriel In Your Eyes Peter Gabriel Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel Shock the Monkey Todays Quotes: 8220Life is to be enjoyed, not endured8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Dont count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count8221 8211 David T. S. Posted by Casey on 2:26 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 286 8211 Pornography, Addiction and Cures A 17 Year Old Listener Assks Dave an Important Question About Pornography: Todays show has been inspired by a young listener who has reached out to David for help on understanding what he can do about his growing addiction to porn. The Question: Hey Dave, just a quick show request, I was wondering if you could do maybe a 600 second show or a solo show on pornography and the effects it has on young men and relationships. Your podcast has kinda become a go to for me whenever I lose motivation or struggle in most areas and that is the big hurdle I8217m trying to overcome right now. As always thanks a ton Recourses: Wiki How How to Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer wikihowStop-Watching-Porn-on-Your-Computer 10 Reason Why You Should Quit Watching Porn gqblogsthe-feed20131110-reasons-why-you-should-quit-watching-porn. html Organizations who Help with Porn Addiction flfamily. orgget-helpporn-addiction Todays Songs: Celebration Kool amp the Gang Sex Aint Better than Love Trey Songz Sex Therapy Robin Thicke Addiction Medina. Social Entrepreneur and Athlete, Crystal Flaman. David is extremely excited to have the opportunity to interview this amazing woman who lives here in beautiful Kelowna Crystals is the owner of the Kelowna International Hostel, an international travellers hostel in BC, Canada, an 11 x Ironman finisher, 273 km Ultra-marathoner and she has cycled across Canada on the first tandem bike to cross the country, with her twin sister. Shes the creator of Imagine The Ripple Effect and the Inspiring Tin Of Wisdom, that now has 7 different themes and shes also the author of The 90 Day Intentional Living Challenge and has just written A Village Inspired (Simple Ideas To Live A Long, Healthy and Happy Life). Her personal mission in life is to make a difference in the world. Shes raised over 1.4 million dollars for various charities including the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Diabetes Association and Room To Read through her work and athletic endeavours. On todays show Crystal will share: How words of encouragement are so powerful. Her experience and how she started doing Ironmans and then on to Ultra Marathons. The importance of surrendering to what is going on with you, being open with your heart and mind. How to discover what your are truly made of. Having a RIPPLE EFFECT and what this means to Crystal. How the Tin of Wisdom was born and what it is. Great tips on how to be accountable and following through on things you set out to do. Making our journey from our heads to our hearts and from success to significance Crystal is so kind and her language is beautiful. She shares amazing stories of being an athlete, going on amazing adventures, how she became an owner of a local hostel and about her HEART wanting to BURST open. She is so very kind and is truly living a kickass life. You dont want to miss this amazing show and be sure to listen to the end Contact Crystal and she will help you to find out your purpose, you will clearly know this in about 3 minutes. Email her at crystalinspiringsuccess. ca. Favorite Quotes: We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous Actually, who are you not to be You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world Favorite Books: Creating Room to Read Spark The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain The Intention Experiment The Biology of Belief Useful Links: inspiringsuccess. ca Email: crystalinspiringsuccess. ca Music today: Celin Dion and Andre Bocheli 8211 The Prayer Sarah Mclaughlin 8211 Angels Find Davids new show: amplifiednetworkmarketing Facebook Page for New show: fbampdnm. Today David explores 30 simple parenting tips from celebrities like Michelle Obama, Courtney Cox, Arianna Huffington, Laura Bush, Kathie Lee Gifford, and of course shares some of his own parenting tips. 30 Simple Parenting Tips from Celebrities redbookmagkids-familyadviceparenting-advice-from-celebrity-momsslide-30 Fun Facts In 1972, a 22-year-old Spanish man named Gabriel March Grandos was sentenced to 384,912 years in prison, the longest sentence on record. Despite the harsh sentence, Grandos was not guilty of murder or any other violent crime. Instead, Grandos was punished for failing to deliver 42,768 letters during his job as a post officer. The man was accused of fraud for losing the letters. The second longest sentence ever handed down happened in 1989 in Thailand when Chamoy Thipyaso was found guilty of defrauding over 16,000 Thais in a pyramid scheme valued at over 204 million. Thipyaso was sentenced to 141,078 years. In the United States, the longest sentence ever given was 30,000 years to Oklahoma Charles Scott Roberts Todays Songs Katy Perry Unconditionally Katy Perry Roar Christina Aguilera Just A Fool Christina Aguilera Beautiful Find Davids new show amplifiednetworkmarketing Facebook Page for New. After pulling an all-nighter with his guy friends David reflects on some of the quotes that he has written that truly help him live a KickAss Life and shares the Top Ten Songs of all time put out by Rolling Stone Magazine. Join David at one of his upcoming events: Perth-Sydney-Belize amplifiednetworkevents Win Free One on One Coaching with David: Simply write a review on iTunes for either show 8211 The Kickass Life 8211 Amplified Network Marketing Take a screen shot of your review and post it on our Amplified Network Marketing page. Once a month you will have a chance to be picked, as your name will stay in the hat until your chosen Top Ten Songs: Ray Charles Whatd I Say 1959 Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 1991 Beatles Hey Jude 1968 Chuck Berry Johnny Be Good 1958 Beach Boys Good Vibrations 1966 Aretha Franklin Respect 1965 Marvin Gaye Whats Going On 1971 John Lennon Imagine 1971 The Rolling Stones I Cant Get No Satisfaction 1965 Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone 8211 1965 Today8217s Quotes by David T. S. Wood 8220Tell the truth all the time with compassion.8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first.8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Every Master was Once a Disaster including Moi8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220In order to truly succeed in life you have to Stop taking advice from Broke unhappy people8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Drugs, alcohol and tattoos was the way young people used to rebel. Not any more, The 8216New Rebellion8217 for Young People is creating physical and finical freedom for themselves and their families so that they can do more, be more and have more. Do yourself a favor and join the rebellion.8221 - David T. S. Wood 8220The Definition of the word FEAR is 8216The Anticipation of Pain8217 To Anticipate something is to imagine it being real Our Fear then only exists in our imagination, its a made up story Maybe its time to make up a new story and conquer that FEAR What would you do TODAY if you were not AFRAID8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220The next time someone is negative, rejects or is nasty to you and it slows you down or even worse stops you altogether, imagine that they just threw up all over you and you chose to pick up a spoon and eat it. Success tastes better.8221 8211 David T. S.Wood 8220If you want to attract amazing relationships, great people and lots of money into your life then jump in with both feet and believe in what you are doing. It8217s an uncertain world and people are attracted to certainty.8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Certainty is Sexy8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220Stop trying to get people in your business. No one likes to be 8216GOT8217 Instead, start really 8216getting8217 who people are, and how you can serve them and watch your business take off.8221 8211 David T. S. Wood 8220The foundation of the modern Network Marketing Profession is not based on greed and whats in it for you, but generosity and how you can help others succeed.8221 8211 David T. S. Posted by Casey on 11:07 am in Interview Shows. Podcasts. Triumph Comments Off on 282 8211 Mark Divine 8211 Developing Your Unbeatable Mind Today David is extremely excited to be chatting with Mark Divine. Mark served in the U. S. Navy SEALs for 20 years, retiring as a commander. He is an author and the founder of SEALFIT, NavySeals, and U. S. CrossFit, he has started and led six multimillion dollar business ventures. He has coached thousands of Navy SEAL and other Special Operations candidates with a success rate near 90 percent. Mark now trains the public in the eight ways of the SEAL principles through his Unbeatable Mind Academy. In this Amazing Beautiful Interview Mark shares: The feeling of challenging yourself beyond your PHYSICAL amp MENTAL limits. How he became a Navy Seal and visualizing himself in this career and feeling FULFILLED. The importance of having a positive attitude and how IMPORTANT it is to learn mental toughness and control. His breathing technique and what this can do for you. Setting a micro goal, think about today, not tomorrow or yesterday. What a day looks like Mark. Mark shares the importance of mediation, settling your mind and really listening to the whispers of soul. His words are beautiful and he truly lives a Kickass Life Useful Links: wayofthesealbook (Mark8217s Book) unbeatablemind sealfithp navyseals Today8217s Songs: Sweet Home Alabama 8211 Lynryd Skynyrd Comin8217 Home 8211 Lynyrd Skynyrd Find Davids new show amplifiednetworkmarketing Facebook Page for New show: fbampdnm. David shares with you a strategy that will definitely impact every area of your life by designing your life and having an active Bucket List A list of things that you will do before you die. What You Will Learn: When to get started Why a Journal The importance of BIG thinking The importance of small thinking Where to get new ideas Why starting today is so important Todays Songs: Live Like You Were Dying 8211 Tim McGraw What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong Todays Comedy with Brian Regan youtubewatchvzVRVA3mun3Q Todays Quote: 8220Live each day as if its your very first day and your very last day And it will be filled with fascination, wonder and urgency8221 David T. S. Wood Find Davids new. Posted by Casey on 1:15 pm in Happiness. Health. Meditation. Podcasts Comments Off on 280 8211 Meditation Series 8211 Jen Newman 8211 2 8211 A Meditation on Love and Kindness Welcome to the Second show in our meditation series. David has invited his wonderful partner Jen on the show to facilitate one of the 5 proven practices of happiness. Use this 15 minute practice to be sure 2014 is truly beautiful and Kickass. What you will learn on todays show: How to use the creative power to rid yourself of stress How a 15 minute daily practice can tap into the infinite creative potential that is within you How to focus you mind so that you can achieve a greater sense of peace and kindness at will How to switch off from the noise and really become present How to achieve your goals and dreams more elegantly Join me on Facebook davidonfacebook Join Jen on Facebook facebookzenjenhappitude Today8217s Quote: Our circumstances do not define the outcomes in our lives, Its our daily choices and habits that will ultimately determine the outcomes in our lives - David T. S. Wood Todays Songs Enya Only Time Enya Orinoco. Today, David discusses the ever important topic of money, money, money For most of us, there is a point in our lives when we do not have enough money to buy life8217s essentials. David talks about his story when he arrived to Kelowna, British Columbia and simply stepped off the bus with his back pack and nothing else and how he focused his effort and drive, step by step, to get him to the lifestyle he currently leads of service, generosity and wealth. He shares his lessons learned and discusses some key tips for creating wealth from someone he admires for his consistent and noble path for success, Warren Buffett. Useful Links: Warren Buffett8217s 10 Ways to Get Rich The Best Advice Warren Buffet Ever Recieved (YouTube) Todays Songs: Money Honey Lady Gaga Money Pink Floyd Money Make Her Smile Bruce Mars Money Grace Potter amp The Nocturnals Money For Nothing Dire Straits Todays Quotes: Money was never a big motivator for me, Except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game - Donald Trump 8220You can only become truly accomplished at something you love Dont make money your goal, Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people cant take their eyes off you8221 - Maya Angelou Find Davids new. Posted by Casey on 2:28 pm in Gratitude. Happiness. Interview Shows. Personal Transformation. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 278 8211 Robert 038 Terri TallTree 8211 Aligning Your Mind, Body 038 Spirit to Find and Connect with Your Purpose David is very excited to be interviewing Robert amp Terri TallTree. Robert amp Terri are beautiful connected people who have touched many around the world with their powerful message and presence. Nationally renowned speakers and trainers, they have appeared on PBS, the BBC, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. The TallTrees are living proof that miracles happen and dreams come true when you align your Mind, Body and Spirit. Today the TallTrees will share The Corporate world, stress levels and our society and how it affects us. Staying connected and being aware, not just living from the neck up. Their beautiful perspective and how they see everything. Reclaiming yourself, getting in touch with your younger self. What is Energetic Connection and reconnecting Having a purpose and knowing you are good enough. How forgiveness is so IMPORTANT, learning from your mistakes and moving forward. Awaken your mind and listen in to this beautiful, amazing show, which will captivate you from the start Robert amp Terri have a very special gift for all of you, please go to How To Live on Purpose Todays Quotes: Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone Todays Songs: Willie Nelson - On The Road Again Willie Nelson Always on my Mind Useful Links: The Talltrees thetalltrees The Gift The 7 Quests howtoliveonpurpose Robert Tall Tree on Flute youtubewatchvzRPv382HV08 Healing Song youtubewatchvyfNgWhdxsyM Prayer Song youtubewatchvoTgyWWBwlxYamplistRDyfNgWhdxsyM. Posted by Casey on 1:30 pm in 600 Seconds. Happiness. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 277 8211 5 Key Things I Learned That Changed My Life Todays show David explores a TED talk where they explored the 5 things the person learned that completely changed their life. Of course David agrees wholeheartedly with some and maybe not so much with others. See if you can discover one thing from the show that could possibly change your life Ten Fascinating Facts about Personality What you will Learn on Todays Show: What choice can change your life How many tries is too many How winning and loosing can both get amazing results Why loving family is so important even if they dont deserve it What happens when you dont build your own dream Todays Challenge: Do one thing that you have always wanted to, play guitar, ballroom dancing, cooking pole dancing etc Todays Quote: Live your life so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity they think of you Todays Song Picks: I am changing Jennifer Hudson Changing The Airborne Toxic Event Everybody8217s Changing Keane Changing of the Season Two Door Cinema Club Personality Lloyd Price Find Davids new. Posted by Casey on 5:24 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Family. Happiness. Love. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 276 8211 Valentine8217s Day Special 8211 Dave 038 Jen 8211 Our Secrets of Love, Sex 038 Intimacy David and Jen sit down and share the good, bad and not so good of their journey into love and their secrets that have helped them create a beautiful adventure of love, passion and excitement. What You will Learn on Todays Show How to create a love friendly home How to include kids in your love story Why Space is so important The role TV plays in intimacy What little acts can do for a relationship 5 little love acts that make a difference The importance of imagination How to fight well The how and when of fighting agreement The importance of forgiveness Why having each others back is so important The Five love languages What a Man needs to stay in his best energy What a Woman needs to stay in her best energy The importance of Range in and out of the bedroom Todays Songs U2 8211 One Van Morrison The Beauty of Days Gone by Sarah Harmer Open Window (The Wedding Song) The Pogues Tuesday Morning Firework Katy Perry Adele Make you feel my Love Todays Quotes The only thing we never get enough of is love and the only thing we never give enough of is love. 8211 Henry Miller You know youre in love when you dont want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. 8211 Dr. Seuss And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. - Paul McCartney Useful Links The Prophet Khalil Gibran (Book) (Audio) katsandogzonlove. html Davids New Show . Posted by Casey on 6:00 am in Balance. Family. Gratitude. Happiness. Health. Interview Shows. Podcasts. Travel Comments Off on 275 8211 Pam Grout 8211 Proof That Your Thoughts Create Your Reality 038 How To Get What You Want In Life David is very excited about todays guest Pam Grout and her overnight success Pam is a hopeless romantic who still believes the world is a beautiful place that people are noble and that anything is possible. For a living, she writes books and articles for such magazines as People, Men8217s Journal, CNN Travel and Huffington Post. She also enjoys sharing stories with her daughter, but that8217s more about making a life than a living. She8217s keenly aware there8217s a huge difference. Hear how Pam has traveled to all the worlds continents, and what she has learned. On Todays show Pam will talk about: Having what you want in LIFE. Relax and letting it all go. Dominant Paradigm. Travel writing and how she got into this. Her most recent book amp some great principles to follow E-Squared Nine Do it Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. It takes practice to change BAD HABITS. You dont want to miss this show, Pam will share so many touching stories, her positive affirmations and her many great experiences with traveling and seeing so much of the world and helping others. Check out Pams blog at pamgrout. Todays Quote: If you really want something and are ready to make it happen, start by getting impatient and go make it happen. 8211 David T. S. Wood Songs: Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven Pink Floyd Wish You were Here Useful links: pamgrout georgeclooneyslepthere. Posted by Casey on 2:32 pm in 600 Seconds. Finance. Happiness. Uang. Podcasts Comments Off on 274 8211 Top Seven Reasons Why People Spend More Than They Earn David. T. S. Wood explores why so many people struggle financially and end up broke. What you will Learn on Todays Show: Why People Cant Say No Why Spending Makes You Feel better How Spending can make You Feel Powerful What Role Upbringing has in Spending Cash Why Peoples Spending Habits Keep Increasing Why People Want it NOW Why Credit Cards Are Easier to Use than Cold Hard cash The Four Money Personalities Fun Facts on the Show: All About Ketchup heinzitupfunfacts. asp Songs on The Show: The Irish Rovers The Unicorn The Irish Rovers Drunken Sailor The Irish Rovers Wasnt That a Party The Irish Rovers The Black Velvet Band Todays Quote: Stop Taking Advice From Broke Unhappy People 8211 David T. S Wood Top Ten Reasons People Spend More Than They Earn optionalphatop-10-reasons-why-people-are-dead-broke-and-spend-more-than-they-earn-9821.html Leave a Review on I-Tunes and Send a Screen Shot to David or Casey on Fb and you can win a 1 hour coaching session with David T. S. Posted by Casey on 11:29 am in 30 Minute Shows. Finance. Gratitude. Podcasts Comments Off on 273 8211 25 Things I Bet You Don8217t Know About The World A fun show today as a continued celebration and way of expressing gratitude to all of you from around the world who have taken the plunge and become KickAss Life Practitioners and have been a part of the movement over the past 3 years to get to over 1 Million downloads Along the trip around the world, David shares his experiences, but we wont spoil the fun in these show notes today, so youll have to listen to the podcast to find out what you dont know Take a look at our new podcast here: AmplifiedNetworkMarketing Todays Songs: London Calling The Clash Born in the USA Bruce Springsteen Paris (Ooh La La) Grace Potter amp The Nocturnals Cuba 8211 Gibson Brothers The Click Song Spirit of South Africa National Anthem of Latvia Swarovski Orchestra Yang Chun Bai Xue (Snow of the sunny spring day) 8211 China Adelaid 8211. On todays show David is very excited to be interviewing Arjuna Ardagh. Arjuna is an Awakening Coach, writer and public speaker. He has trained more than 1300 people to become facilitators of awakening. He is the author of 7 books, including the 1 National Bestseller The Translucent Revolution, and his new book Better Than Sex. In Davids words, Arjuna, is always 100 in it, he is a very present and a grounded connector. He will talk about his new book Better Than Sex and will share about his life, how he discovered meditation and what he has learned over the years. On todays show you will learn: Feeling Incredibly energized when you do the THING you were born to DO. What are the core ingredients, what is it that allows you to be able to go to sleep and say Another PERFECT Day. What he learned from his teacher and how he passed this onto others. The meaning of Awakening. Getting lost in a game and how this can lose humor or playfulness. Choosing to participate and recognizing all the wonderful opportunities that life has to offer us. How Arjuna came up with the title of his book Better Than Sex. Discovering the gift and what this means to Arjuna. About the 5 sections of his book Better Than Sex. An overview of the 7 SIMPLE qualities. The valuable distinction between PRINCIPLE and TECHNIQUE. You DONT want to miss this show. Arjuna is amazing. He uses beautiful language and is very captivating. He coaches people to make a difference in the world. If you would love find out more about learning from Arjuna, please go to arjunaardagh or awakeningcoachingtrainingget-coached. Todays Songs: Bee Gees 8211 More Than A Woman Bee Gees 8211 Staying Alive Useful links: Blog: arjunaardagh Published books: arjunaardaghbooks Endorsements: arjunaardaghendorsements Seminars: arjunaardaghseminars Getting Coached: awakeningcoachingtrainingget-coached Becoming a Coach: awakeningcoachingtrainingbecome-a-coach Store. Today is a very exciting milestone8230David has crossed the mark of having over one million downloads for The KickAss Life Podcast A huge thanks goes to all of YOU for listening, becoming practitioners, sharing with friends, and being part of this amazing movement To celebrate, David discusses a fun and important topic for financial freedom: How to Make a Million Dollars Here8217s the highlights of the steps David shares on how you can become a Millionaire: Know Your Outcome Get Committed Brainstorm an Action Plan Find Your Business Sweet Spot Define Your Brand Create Your Business Model Decide on Your Exit Strategy Make More Profits From Existing Customers Build Systems and Scale Up Hire Great People A special Thanks to Krystie amp Catdog Todays Songs One in a Million 8211 Hannah Montana A Million Lives Jake Miller Million Faces Paolo Nutini Million Dollar Baby Robin Thick Million Miles Bonnie Raitt Million Dollar Man Lana Del Ray Todays Quotes 8220The successful Warrior is an av erage person, with laser focus.8221 8211 Bruce Lee 8220Great Minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.8221 8211 Eleanor Roosevelt 8220If you dont build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs8221 Links to Davids 12 FREE Video Series: amplifiednetworkmarketing. Posted by Casey on 2:38 pm in Family. Finance. Happiness. Interview Shows. Uang. Parenting. Podcasts Comments Off on 270 8211 Eric Frady 8211 Financial Freedom Through Proven Methods of Successful Investing by Becoming a MasterMind Trader. On Todays show David is incredibly excited to be interviewing Eric Frady. Eric and David have shared paths, they both worked for Peak Potentials and both have passion for helping others find success. Eric is a Master Trainer for MasterMind Traders. Before MasterMind Traders he worked very hard, was very successful but felt frustrated that he didnt spend quality time with his family. His quest was to find freedom and he did He was introduced to the Stock Market and immersed himself in learning as much as he could and became a speaker for Better Trades, a national options training company. On todays show Eric will share the following: How passionate he is about Education Creating Financial Freedom Why having Application with Education is so IMPORTANT The importance of Practice and Confidence How you can become a Master Trader, and a Mentor The Importance of following proven methods day in and day out Learn to take money you are already spending and INVEST it About MasterMinder Trader and how this program works and how much time it will take The importance of Doing what you SAY you are going to do What a great show, Eric is helping others using real life strategies and takes MasterMind Trader students by the hand, guiding them to financial freedom via the stock market as well as having the lifestyle of their dreams To sign up for his next class, starting on Wednesday, February 4th please email Eric at ericmastermindtraders Todays Songs My Sharona 8211 Knack American Pie Don Mclean Useful links: mastermindtraders. Posted by Casey on 3:08 pm in 600 Seconds. Happiness. Podcasts Comments Off on 269 8211 26 Ways to Be Happier (with some comedy from Brian Regan) Its almost one in the morning and David is extra goofy as he explores 26 ways to have more FUN. 26 Ways to Make Your Life More Exciting liveboldandbloom10lifestyle26-simple-ways-to-make-your-life-more-exciting Brian Regan Really Funny Comedy youtubewatchvzVRVA3mun3Q Songs on Todays Show The Streak 8211 Ray Stevens My Ding-A-Ling Chuck Berry Todays Witty Quotes: witty-quotes AMAZING EVENTS: Davids Private Island Amplified Island Adventures July 6-12th thatchcayebelize Connect with David on Facebook (DavidOnFacebook), or email, casey. amplifiedatgmail for more information and to register The Transformed Woman February 3-7th ewomannetwork Look for the link for Transformed Woman Amplified Train the Trainer Perth May 14-18th Sydney May 28th-June 1st The University in Action Brisbane May. Posted by Casey on 6:25 am in 30 Minute Shows. Finance. Happiness. Health. Uang. Podcasts Comments Off on 268 8211 KickAss Life Practitioners Stepping In 038 Making Dreams Come True Todays show is very exciting as David has just been at a big Event in Dallas, Texas and he is chatting live with a few dedicated listeners of the Kickass Life Podcast. They are Karen amp Kevin Foudy, Albert Riddle, Jennifer Newman, Heidi Davis and Richard Wenaus. They will share their journeys, and talk about creating financial freedom and their passion for Network Marketing. What you will learn on Todays Show: About Residual income and new possibilities Benefits to attending the events and how the energy can CHANGE your life Being a business owner and its benefits Having more Freedom Living healthy, feeling better, having energy Changing peoples lives AROUND the world What a great show Be sure to tune in and listen to how passionate Davids guest are about what they do for a living, and making the choice to be healthy, owning their own business, finding financial freedom and helping others to do the same. Please check out our new site we are launching and be sure to watch the videos at amplifiednetworkmarketing Songs from Today: It8217s Still Rock amp Roll to Me 8211 Billy Joel Rock 8216n Roll All Night 8211. On todays show David is very excited to be talking to Ann Webb. Ann is best known as The LifeVision Expert and has coached thousands of successful entrepreneurs and other highly motivated individuals in getting crystal clear in both their business and personal visions resulting in more money, better relationships, and improved health amp fitness. Ann is the author and creator of the Creating Your Ideal LifeVision, a revolutionary Home Study Course that has helped thousands of people start living their Ideal Life. On Todays show Ann will share: What Annes life was like 25 years ago. The importance of writing down your goals, RECORDING them and give yourself specific tasks. Listen to your recording EVERYDAY What clarity amp focus means. You have the POWER to change yourself to get what you want in your ideal life. The 5 key areas Ann works on. How Ann got over being shy so she could build her business. What is your IDEAL life Statement, and how to write this down Anns story is amazing, by using positive affirmations, setting goals and recording them and listening to them DAILY, her LIFE changed emotionally and financially. Useful links: ideallifevision ideallifevisionisagenix-lifevision creatingyourlifevision ideallifevisionfitness-challenge Todays Quote I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet 8211 Mahatma Gandhi Todays Songs That will be the Day Buddy Holly Im a Man Bo. David explores how overcoming obstacles has more to do with mindset and the size you are in comparison to your obstacles than the obstacles themselves. Overcoming Obstacles by Steven Claunch ed. tedlessonsthere-s-no-dishonor-in-having-a-disability-steven-claunch What you will Learn on Todays Show: How Disabilities Are Not Obstacles Why You Should Never Judge A Book by The Cover What Happens if Your Faced with a Level 8 Problem What to do if When You Face Any Problem Dedicated to: Fred Waring London Ontario Todays Songs: Hit me with Your Rhythm Stick 8211 Ian Dury amp The Blockheads Ray Charles 8211 Hit the Road Jack Pour Some Sugar On Me 8211 Def Leppard Beethoven 9th Symphony (London Symphony Orchestra) Todays Quotes: Identify Your Problems but give your power to solutions - Tony Robbins When Your Life Flashes Before Your Eyes Make Sure You Have Plenty to Watch If Your Ship Does Not Come IN Jump in the Water and Swim out to Reach it - Jonathan Winters Homework: Identify and overcome ONE obstacle that stands in your way Contact David if you are interested in the Amplified Island Adventure thatchcayebelize Contact David on Fb Davidonfac ebook Contact David if you are interested in attending the Transformed Woman WOW retreat The program is called The Transformed Woman The program is at the Carefree Resort amp Spa in Phoenix Dates Feb 3 8211 7 If you are successful and feel like something and yet feel like is something is missing If your working endlessly and know it should not be so hard If you feel something has to change and yet you are not sure exactly what to do If you feel like you are not living your true potential Then Transformed Woman is definitely for you You will learn to: Trust and Ignite Your Inner Wisdom Attract and Monetize Opportunities Create True Ultimate Wealth Write Yourself into a bigger Story We are keeping this really small so you will get lots of one on one time with both me and Sandra Yancey founder and CEO of E-woman network ewomennetwork If your are ready to make a decision, contact me on Facebook (DavidOnFacebook) and I will see what I can do to get you in. Todays show is so exciting David w ill talk about one of his favorite subjects, not that he is an expert but that he truly loves what it is about. Today his show is all about WOMEN. Almost 80 of his students are women and he loves their determination to create a life they want and they are truly ready to INVEST in themselves and change the world On todays show you will learn: Tips on getting ahead What Works for Women at Work The authors gender based roadblocks broken down into 4 categories Women taking a stand, being their own boss How low the percentage of women in senior management positions in the corporate world. Balancing between family and your career and its challenges No one is PERFECT The importance of learning how to say no and know its ok David and his dear friend Sandra Yancey, owner of eWomenNetwork are doing a retreat together in Phoenix, AZ the week of February 3rd. This retreat is a very intimate, and is called the WOW retreat. You can find out more information by messaging David through Facebook or The Kickass Life with David Wood. Make sure you tune in weekly to listen to Davids shows, his shows are amazing and he has some amazing guests. Dont forget to go to iTunes and write a review. THANK YOU Today8217s links: Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women Leaders tedtalkssherylsandbergwhywehavetoofewwomenleaders. html The Secrets of the worlds most powerful women youtubewatchvPI7WCtC8RLg Todays Songs: You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Women Aretha Franklin I Say a Little Prayer 8211 Aretha Franklin Do Right Woman, Do Right Man - Aretha Franklin Respect 8211 Aretha Franklin Todays Article: How Women Can Get Ahead At Work: A new Manual. David is very excited to be interviewing the amazing Lisa DeMayo. Lisa is a professional speaker and life, executive and leadership coach with more than twenty years of training in different development modalities and coaching experience. She is an author of the book, The Art of Getting What You Want: How to Cultivate the Happiness, Health, and Wealth You Desire. Lisa is recognized as one of the top income earners at both Isagenix and Arbonne International. She has also trained thousands of people worldwide for both companies and has been featured as a keynote speaker in the US and abroad. She was featured on the cover of Empowering Women magazine and was featured in Prosper magazine, too. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and a self-made multi millionaire. She will talk about the art of conversation and how our lives are so busy, how we do more in a day and barely give ourselves time to build on our relationships. On Todays show Lisa will talk about: Importance of being HEARD amp LISTENING generously. Building our Relationships through COMMUNICATION. As a woman 8211 What do you want What makes you happy And how do we articulate who we are now. A listener SHOULD never hold someone accountable, peoples lives change daily and our truths can change and be redefined. That you have choices, ask lots of questions, and feel CONFIDENT. The words you speak become your reality. The importance of understanding that Network Marketing is a relationship business, its a serious of conversations and building on those relationships. Tune into this show Lisa is truly AMAZING Lisa DeMayo8217s book: The Art of Getting What You Want: How to Cultivate the Happiness, Health and Wealth You Desire Todays Quotes: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im Possible 8211 Audrey Hepburn I Hated every minute of training, but I said, Dont quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion 8211 Muhammed Ali Your present circumstances dont determine where you can go: they merely determine where you start 8211 Nido Qubein Todays Song: Waves Blondfire Also register for Davids new show: Amplified Network Marketing Get Your 12 Free Videos amplifiednetworkmarketing. Posted by Casey on 7:20 am in 600 Seconds. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 263 8211 600 Seconds 8211 The Importance 038 Speed of Trust Live from Dallas, and hot off a keynote speech, David takes the time to talk about a critically important topic of the trust and how it can quickly help us or hurt us. When you have the speed of trust, everything happens so much more quickly for you personally and in your business. Homework for this week: Speak about people as if they are with you. Ask yourself these questions: How would those conversations sound Am I building trust quickly Am I holding trust Am I speaking with impeccability and honorably about people In this podcast you will learn: The importance trust for your success and best relationships. How people break trust most often. How to quickly build that bridge of trust. How to recover and mend the relationship if you break someone8217s trust. Useful Links: 8211 Steven Covey 8211 Speed of Trust (Book). Posted by Casey on 6:09 am in 30 Minute Shows. Podcasts. Triumph Comments Off on 262 8211 David Blaine 8211 Possible or Impossible8230Your Choice David explores the boundaries and philosophy of what the possible versus impossible. He explores the TED Talk of David Blaine. In looking at our own lives, how do we approach our future and what we can do in our lives What today8217s podcast explores: 8211 explore the infinite power within all of us 8211 pushing boundaries of what has ever been done 8211 being willing to explore the impossible while embracing failure as a step forward 8211 what would be different if you allowed it to be 8211 what we accomplish if we believe and stay determined through adversity Useful Links: David Blaine 8211 Ted Talks 8211 How I Held My Breath for 17 Minutes youtubewatchvXFnGhrC3Gs David Blaine: Decade of Magic (DVD) Tim Ferris Podcast thekickasslife79 Quotes Today: It always seems impossible until its done. 8211 Nelson Mandela To believe a thing impossible is to make it so. 8211 French Proverb Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing. 8211 G. M. Trevelyan So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. 8211 Christopher Reeve If you believe you can or you can8217t, You8217re right. 8211 Henry Ford Sometimes Ive believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. 8211 Lewis Carroll We have more power than will and it is often by way of excuse to ourselves that we fancy things are impossible. 8211 Francois Duc De la Rochefoucauld Songs Today: Impossible Christine Aguilera Impossible Kelly Clarkson Impossible James Arthur Impossible Bayje Impossible 8211. Posted by Casey on 4:24 pm in Balance. Family. Happiness. Health. Interview Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 261 8211 Nicky Billou 8211 13 Key Principles to Think Like and Be a Champion Today David is excited to be interviewing this amazing guest Nicky Billou. Nicky, is an author, businessman, coach, and father of two boys living in Toronto. He has worked with some of the worlds most celebrated champions, including Olympic Gold Medalists Mark McKoy and Donovan Bailey, as well as ultra-distance Guinness World Record Holder Theresa Dugwell, and champions in business and personal development including top CEOs and real estate agents. An ex-corporate executive, he has become THE trusted adviser to entrepreneurs and CEOs for their personal health and high performance. On Todays show Nicky will share: The importance of teaching values and higher standards. Kids need a push, give them a reason to do more. How he came up with the 13 principles, and what they are. Why its important to move everyday. How to think like a CHAMPION Why to put yourself first and INVEST in your HEALTH. Nickys great energy will inspire you to move today, get healthier, fit and become a champion. Useful links: youtu. be6T2-lMwVOhc Twitter NickyBillou theceohealthcoach finishlinethinking 8211 Learn How to Think and Win Like a ChampionTM thereelmckoy (Nicky8217s dear friend and collaborator Olympic Gold Medalist Mark McKoys site) Cathy Capitalist amp Johnny Jobmaker: The Video Game Company: Teaching Your Kids About free Enterprise, Dreaming Big, and Going For It Songs from today: Justin. Posted by Casey on 5:00 pm in Podcasts. Time Management. Uncategorized Comments Off on 260 8211 600 Seconds 8211 6 Questions That Will Change Your Life In todays show David shares some good old Aussie humor, some little know FUN facts and of course explores six questions that could very well change the direction of your life. Enjoy the Show 6 Powerful Questions that will Change Your Life Adam Hills Australian Accents Fun Facts Money notes are not made from paper, they are made mostly from a special blend of cotton and linen. In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, USA, notes were made out of wood for a brief period. The Grammy Awards were introduced to counter the threat of rock music. In the late 1950s, a group of record executives were alarmed by the explosive success of rock n roll, considering it a threat to 8220quality8221 music. Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water. The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of New York. Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialised nations has increased 10 cm (about 4 inches). In the 19th century, American men were the tallest in the world, averaging 1,71m (5821768243). Today, the average height for American men is 1,75m (5821778243), compared to 1,77 (5821788243) for Swedes, and 1,78 (582178.58243) for the Dutch. The tallest nation in the world is the Watusis of Burundi. In 1955 the richest woman in the world was Mrs Hetty Green Wilks, who left an estate of 95 million in a will that was found in a tin box with four pieces of soap. Queen Elizabeth of Britain and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands count under the 10 wealthiest women in the world. Todays Songs Too Little Too Late Bare Naked Ladies If I had 1,000,000 Bare Naked Ladies Hold On Alabama Shakes Hang Loose Alabama. Posted by Casey on 6:18 am in Meditation. Podcasts Comments Off on 259 8211 A Practice In Happiness 8211 Daily Practices 038 A Beginner Meditation for Focus and Achieving Your Goals and Dreams Welcome to the first show of the New Year David has invited Jen on the show to facilitate one of the 5 proven practices of happiness. Use this 15 minute practice of mental focus and meditation to be sure 2014 is Kickass. What you will learn on todays show: How to use the creative power of your mind to manifest your New Years Resolution How a 15 minute daily practice can tap into the infinite creative potential that is within you How to focus you mind so that you can achieve a greater sense of peace and happiness at will How to switch off from the noise and really become present How to achieve your goals and dreams more elegantly Join David on Facebook davidonfacebook Join Jen on Facebook facebookzenjenhappitude Todays Quote Its impossible to discover new oceans until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore Todays Songs New Age Deep Meditation Music Meditation Masters The Beginning Meditation Masters. In todays show David explores the Wonderful Life of George Bailey The Richest Man in Town from the Movie Its a Wonderful Life, plus he looks at the science behind setting goals and how to make them and keep them. He also shares a strategy for setting new years resolutions and how to create the habits to make them effective Plus David shares an area of his life that is not doing well and what he resolves to do about it Join the Conversation davidonfacebook What you will Learn on Todays Show The Role Happiness Plays in Goal Setting Why thoughts are critical to successful goal setting Why overtaxing willpower is ineffective Why pruning dead wood is important What a positive prime is and how to use them How self esteem comes from doing things that we dont enjoy Why doing the hard things first works An important note for women only What a if-then scenario is and how to use it Why goal setting is essential for happiness Todays Links: Psychology Today Now Years Resolution Advice You wont Read Anywhere Else psychologytodayblogcreating-your-best-life201101new-year-s-resolution-advice-you-won-t-read-anywhere-else Its a wonderful Life The Movie youtubewatchvfrXklECPkD0 The 5 Proven Steps of Happiness the kickasslifepodcasts174-the-5-proven-habits-of-happiness Happy New Year Barbra Streisand youtubewatchvCqHSfL2p8W4 Todays Quotes: Stop taking advice from broke unhappy people 8211 David T. S. Wood You become the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with Tell the truth all the time with compassion 8211 David T. S. Wood Todays Songs: Hey Hey Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven 8211 Eric Clapton Before You Accuse Me 8211 Eric Clapton No Body Knows You When Your Down amp Out 8211 Eric Clapton Lonely Stranger 8211 Eric Clapton Running on Faith 8211 Eric Clapton Walkin Blues 8211 Eric. Posted by Casey on 6:34 pm in Family. Happiness. Podcasts Comments Off on 257 8211 The KickAss Life8217s Christmas Special 8211 Bring Joy 038 Fun Into Every Day Of The Year Join David as he explores the essence of Christmas and introduces you to some amazing people who will allow you to discover how you can bring the essence of Christmas into all 365 days a year. This is also a tribute to everyone who does not choose to celebrate Christmas because of his or her faith, background or culture. The Show is dedicated to: Davids son, Ben What You Will Learn on Todays Show The story of Christmas through childrens eyes How small acts can change the world What role a beautiful heart creates in ultimate power How someone can lose their sight yet gain their vision A daily practice that can lead to untold riches and power The importance of letting go, forgiving and trusting How devastation can lead to true love The role possessions play in defining you How happiness and wealth are often not linked Some of Davids Christmas experiences from Guatemala, Israel. Spain and Barbados Why no one expected poop to be in this special ha ha Todays Quotes: You become the sum of the five people, you spend the most time with To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be world Its our differences that truly connect us You attract who your being Be the change you want to see in the world Todays Links: Mickey Mouse Mickeys Once Upon a Christmas youtubewatchvLsjEVjwSxpM The funniest rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas you will ever hear: Straight no Chaser 12 Days Original 1999 youtubewatchv2Fe11OlMiz8 Let these children help you understand the way that GOD was thinking before the first Christmas: An Unexpected Christmas youtubewatchvTM1XusYVqNY One guy singing all the harmonies and having a blast: Its Beginning to look a lot like Christmas youtubewatchvTU3StPwbIWw From the blockbuster The Secret Marci shares a story that will change your life: Marci Shimoff Lost my Sight but gained my vision thekickasslifepodcasts003-marci-shimoff Fr om the blockbuster The Secret Lisa shares a process that will change your life if you choose to adopt it every day: Lisa Nichols Secret for Self Love. Posted by Casey on 5:07 pm in Assk Dave. Happiness. Uang. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 256 8211 Succeeding with a Spouse, Taking Risks 038 Handling Disappointment On todays show David amp Jen answer the question that you posted on Facebook this week. Todays Show Dedicated to Brett Corcoran amp his wife What you will learn on Todays Show: How to work with a spouse What are the three most important daily activities in a MLM How to step away from people who disappoint you How Davids does 5 years of coaching in 5 minutes How to work in a foreign country when the country is not open How to take risks Join me on Facebook davidonfacebook Todays Quotes: Argue for your limitations and Sure enough they are yours. If you dont take risks, youll have a wasted soul 8211 Drew Barrymore Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster Davids video on YouTube that explores what to look for in a Network Marketing youtubewatchvQFXJe8XAIi0 Todays Songs Michael Buble 8211 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Michael Buble 8211 Santa Clause is coming to Town Sidney Bechet 8211 Petit Fleur The Police 8211 Next to You Marci Shimoff A Powerful Story of A Blind Lady who found her Vision thekickasslifepodcasts003-marci-shimoff. Posted by Casey on 11:02 am in 30 Minute Shows. Gratitude. Podcasts. Purpose. Triumph Comments Off on 255 8211 Solo 8211 Nelson Mandela8217s Wisdom for a Life of Impact and Purpose David is inspired to share the life and impact of one of his great heros Nelson Mandela as he shares his story with Oprah and demonstrates what is great statesmanship. David explores the power inside Nelson Mandela8217s heart that he wielded for such great impact in the world, which is the same power we all have, and have in spades, but we often don8217t have the courage to access it. What You Will Learn on Todays Show What true humility is What happens when anger rules How to use your brain to create peace How simple it is to change the world How Nelson Mandela allowed others to be tolerant 19 Inspirational Quotes from Nelson Mandela lusakatimes2013121619-inspirational-quotes-nelson-mandela The Top Ten Songs for Nelson Mandela thenationblog175037top-ten-songs-about-nelson-mandela Nelson Mandela on Oprah youtubewatchv0i-BH3HXT24 Book Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela Quotes from Today: Man8217s goodness is flame that can be hidden, but never extinguished. 8211 Nelson Mandela A good head and a good heart are a formidable combination. 8211 Nelson Mandela I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping ones head pointed towards the sun8230ones feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested. But I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death. 8211 Nelson Mandela Songs from Today: Shakira 8211 Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) Paul Simon 8211 Diamonds On the Soles of Her Shoes Paul Simon 8211 Graceland Paul Simon 8211 Under African Skies. Posted by Casey on 9:32 pm in Finance. Happiness. Uang. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 254 8211 Joel Brown 8211 Secrets Of Extraordinary Results With A Great Intention What a great show. Today, David is excited to be talking to Joel Brown who shares amazing insight into achieving incredible results while helping change lives. Joel is 26 year old and the CEO and Founder of Addicted2Success. With along time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development amp Success, Joel started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. Joel8217s passion for what he does shows through the continual growth of Addicted2Success8217s online community. On Todays show Joel will share: How he started Addicted2Success. Why passion and persistence is so important. Importance of stepping outside the box, challenge yourself. Stepping into the UNCOMFORTABLE zone will help you reach your goals to success. That what you love to doWILL and SHOULD feel right. Where he sees himself in 5 years Ignore, take action, get results and keep moving forward Have a dream and make it come true Tune in and listen to this great show and ask yourself Whats stopping you from Achieving Success Joel is amazing He is achieving extraordinary results with a great intention Useful links: addicted2success Songs: Men at Work 8211 Be Good Johnny Men at Work 8211 Land Downunder Todays Quotes: Dont cry because its over Smile because it happened - Dr. Seuss The happiest of people don8217t necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their. Today, David discusses his personal journey to discover what love truly is and how to find it. David explores this important topic of what is love and how do I find love. He shares some straight shooting experience from his personal adventures and life and from working with countless others to help them find the love they long for in their life. Explored on the show, David defines ultimately that love is when two souls that can be together and totally accept our own and each others imperfections. What you will learn today: Where the ultimate power for love lies Why you attract the people you do The more you love yourself, the more you will attract those who will love yourself This weeks homework: Notice who you are attracting Notice the relationship you are in now Are you whole, are you full or are you hiding Are you able to be yourself Are you unhappy because you cannot be yourself Links from todays show: wiki. answersQTop10mostsearchedthingsonGoogle theguardiancommentisfree2012dec13what-is-love-five-theories Todays useless facts include: Crocodiles tongue is attached to the top of their mouth Postage stamps in England are the only country that does not write the name of their country on the stamp Koalas never drink water. They only get their fluids from Eucalyptus leaves. Elephants only sleep 2 hours per. On todays show David takes you along to one of the most incredible parties he has thrown for a LONG, LONG time and introduce you to some Kickass Life Practitioners who get to Assk Dave a question. Todays Show Dedicated to His students who traveled on planes, cars, busses, taxis boats and their feet to come to Belize so that they could invest in themselves, many of whom are Kickass Life Practitioners. What you will learn on Todays Show: How to create a kickass life Why YOU are the best investment that you can ever make What happens when you step outside your comfort zone What Dave would do if he were 13 in order to create a Kickass Life One mans journey from unhappy to fulfilled and happy The Thatch Caye experience from the mouths of the guests A peek inside the Belizean culture Join me on Facebook davidonfacebook Todays Quotes: It is impossible to discover new oceans, unless you first have the courage, to leave sight of the shore The Person who flips a coin at every crossroad Will often arrive first at their destination Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster youtubewatchvQFXJe8XAIi0 Thatch Caye Belize. Today, David checks in from Thatch Caye, Belize with Peta from Australia, Sanj from Toronto, Chris from Phoenix and and Jen to discuss the amazing activities and adventures they are doing this week on the island and their personal transformations. This is a truly fantastic podcast with so many nuggets of real wisdom from people across the world who have made important changes in their lives. Things they discuss are: How to make the commitment to listen to our heart and Expecting more of ourselves to change ourselves Letting go of people in your life who aren8217t celebrating you Discovering, listening to, and pursuing your 8216why8217 The joy of retiring your mom and paying off her mortgage Changing from 8216traditional8217 business path to personal development and financial freedom Dealing with being 8216angry8217 and run down from a traditional 8216JOB8217 Regaining you youth and innocence Getting out of the common rat race Breaking through the 8216fear8217 that stops people from making the necessary change The difference between 8216being interested8217 and 8216being committed8217 The power of believing in yourself Changing from dabbling to committing so you can drive your own success Destroying the limiting belief of 8220you8217re never good enough8221 The importance of daily gratitude The value of showing up as you and authenticity (who you really are and what feels g ood to you) and living a life of service Investing in YOURSELF Becoming the person that I was looking for Books Mentioned today: The Go Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea 8211 by Bob Burg and John David Man Magic of Thinking Big: Acquire the Secrets of Success 8230 Achieve Everything Everything You8217ve Always Wanted 8211 by David J. Schwartz The Slide Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success 8211 by Jeff Olson Me Before You: 8211 by Jojo. Posted by Casey on 10:08 pm in Happiness. Podcasts. Purpose Comments Off on 250 8211 Cliff Ravenscraft 8211 The Podcast Mastermind 8211 From Inbox Zero, To Living With Purpose David is very excited to be talking to Cliff Ravenscraft. Cliff is the founder of The Podcast Mastermind and gspn. tv (Generally Speaking Production Network). Together with his wife, Stephanie and a few close friends, Cliff has produced over 3,100 podcast episodes He is devoted to Entertainment, Family, Faith, Fitness, Career and Technology. Cliff is extremely passionate about podcasting and connecting with others who share the same passions, hopes and fears. On Todays show Cliff will share: What he reads himself everyday to get to INBOX zero. How he knew failure would not be an option. What television show his first PODCAST was devoted to and how he grew from this. How Cliff and his wife Stephanie have helped so many people going through life struggles. Finding friendships through having the same passions. What was his life before Podcasting VALUE and IMPACT the followers you do have. Helping people who share the same interests, passion CONNECT with each other. Why consider podcasting What an amazing show Through Podcasting, Cliffs life has changed, he has impacted and helped so many people and he has combined his faith, his passions and along with his family, lives a purpose every day. Useful links: PodcastAnswerMan LearnHowToPodcast PodcastingAtoZ en. wikipedia. orgwikiCliffRavenscraft TwitterGSPN FacebookCliffRavenscraft Songs from today. From Thatch Caye, Belize, David gives quick insight and a challenge this morning to simplify and tack the most important things (even if we dont really feel like it). From the best selling author and blogger, Jeff Goins, David discusses Jeffs insightful thoughts on getting things done. Jeff Goins is a fantastic writer with a fabulous blog and great new book, In Between (found here on Amazon). What David will cover today: The difference between activity and productivity Why doing less results in more The importance of starting projects immediately What is the Zeigarnik Effect Downsizing and simplifying your life helps focus and progress How to create a reward for completing your task and also a penalty for not completing the task Fun Facts: Bolivia has two capitals. The angel falls in Venezuela are nearly 20 times taller than Niagara Falls. Cuba is the only island in the Caribbean to have a railroad. Jamaica was the first country from the English speaking Caribbean to qualify for the Football World Cup. More than 90 of the Nicaraguan people are Roman Catholic. The largest taxi fleet in the world is found in Mexico City. The city boasts a fleet of over 60,000 taxis. In Quebec, there is an old law that states margarine must be a different color than butter. The Amazon is the world8217s largest river, 3,890 miles (6,259 km) long. Songs Today: Louis Armstrong 8211 What a Wonderful World Israel (IZ) Kamakawiwoole 8211 Somewhere Over The. Posted by Casey on 12:09 am in Assk Dave. Belize. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 248 8211 Assk Dave (038 Jen) Show 8211 Handling Jealousy, Effective Networking, Fixing a Struggling Marriage Another installment of The Assk Dave and Jen Show that allows you to assk any question that is on your mind, from the boardroom, to the bedroom, from serious to light. There are no question that is out of bounds, so make sure you assk Dave a question and dont forget to request a song and dedicate it to someone you LOVE. Todays show comes from Davids Private Island just off the coast of Belize. thatchcayebelize As David and Jen prepare for their students to arrive they snuggle up 15 feet from the ocean and turn on the microphone for this weeks installment of The Assk Dave amp Jen show Island Style. Here are some of the Questions that were asked on Todays show How does Jen handle jealousy How to build a network without talking too much How to not quit What is Davids Childrens book called Who would David like to meet and talk to (dead or alive) How to communicate better with a wife when the relationship is struggling Your Songs on Todays Show: Happy Wendy Morgan Dancing Shoes Arctic Monkeys The Long Way Around Dixie Chicks Petit Fleur 8211 Sidney Bechet Todays Books Recommendations: The Five Love Languages 8211 Gary D Chapman The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz There is a World in My House David Wood Today8217s Quotes: Dont be a tool, use the tools David Wood You cant say the wrong thing to the right person and can never say the right thing to the wrong. On todays show, join David as he chills to the sounds of the Ocean lapping at the shore as he is preparing to run a 5 day program at the stunning Thatch Caye Belize. thatchcayebelize He has students flying in from Australia, Canada and USA and reflects on the idea of Freedom and what would happen if we truly simplify and get rid of our crap. What You Will Learn on Todays Show: How you can write yourself into a new script What it means to design your life How a couple sold everything and wrote themselves and their young daughter into a great adventure The 7 Ways to Simplify Your Life George Carlin Talks About Stuff (Comedy) youtubewatchvMvgN5gCuLac Todays Song: Mammas amp Pappas 8211 California Dreaming Todays Quotes: Is Freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish Nothing Else Our Freedom can be measured by the number of things we can Walk away from. Useful Links: 7 Ways to Simplify Your Life bemorewithless7-ways-to-simplify-your-life TEDxAsheville 8211 Adam Baker 8211 Sell your crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love. Posted by Casey on 5:19 pm in Happiness. Parenting. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 246 8211 Michael Mataluni 8211 Kick Ass Dad Podcast 8211 Passionate Parenting In A Volatile World David is excited to have Michael Mataluni joining him today. Michael is a proud father of 3 children. He is a successful author of a podcast entitled Kick Ass Dad Passionate Parenting in a Volatile World and has become an influential voice in the Personal Development community. He is very passionate about raising the consciousness of individuals and families. And his focus on service is paramount to his mission. Michael is currently creating community gardens that bring neighbors together for a common purpose. He believes that it is by healing the family, that we can heal our communities and ultimately the world. He works with Kauses4Kids to develop community centers that give poor children access to musical instruments, cutting edge education, and sustainable agriculture. On Todays show you will learn: What inspired Michael Challenges of being a DAD. When to mentor your kids. You dont have to be a PERFECT parent to be a GREAT parent. What we see in our kids, why we over protect our kids. Love is not ENOUGH. Look at your actions and ask great questions. Kids will EXCEL at something they are good at. What ENERGIZES you Having a Purpose. This is an amazing show, Michael has a very gentle heart, is loving father and today he will share some of his Myths on parenting and how he can help you find out what youre passionate about, what are you good at and how you can see results. Make sure you tune into Michaels show and learn more about being a Kick Ass Guy, Dad amp Parent. Ten Parenting myths and how to destroy them Useful links: kickassdadblog Kick Ass Dad Passionate Parenting in a Volatile World Todays Songs: Paul Simon 8211 Father amp Daughter Cat Stevens 8211 Father amp Son Todays Quotes: Experience is something you get just after you need it If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. Albert Einstein Children must be taught how to think Not what to think. Posted by Casey on 3:14 pm in 600 Seconds. Finance. Happiness. Uang. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 245 8211 600 Seconds 8211 Robert Kiyosaki 8211 Rich Dad Poor Dad8217s Wealth Secrets On todays show, David talks about Robert Kiyosakis book Rich Dad Poor Dad and explores 6 Wealth Tips. This short and sweet podcast will give you clear insight and some take aways to start implementing immediately Quote: Robert T. Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur and Author Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth. What you will learn on todays show: What the Rich Work For What we should be learning What to focus on in order to create wealth A way to avoid taxes How the Rich invent money What we need to learn The Five BIG obstacles stopping most getting RICH Fear Cynicism Laziness Bad Habits Arrogance And all this in just over 600 seconds. Well8230 actually almost 14 minutes as David really tried to CRAM a lot in. The Silly facts on Todays Show: The worlds termites outweigh the worlds humans 10 to 1 Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars. The 3 most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. Elephants cant jump. Every other mammal can. Most American car horns honk in the key of F. In Cleveland, Ohio, its illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a years supply of footballs. Songs On Todays Show: The Who 8211 Baba ORiely The Who 8211 Wont Get Fooled Again The Who 8211 Who Are. Posted by Casey on 7:20 am in Assk Dave. Finance. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 244 8211 Ask Dave (038 Jen) 8211 Other8217s Opinions, What Is WWOOFing, Minefield of Infidelity On todays show David amp Jen will answer your questions that you have posted on Fb and also share some great songs, awesome quotes and important links. Todays Show Dedicated to Pam Wood on her Birthday Todays Questions Include How to deal with other people opinions of us What is WWOOFing and how can it help me travel for FREE What David does for fun with his boys How to move away from a profession to do what you love How to maneuver the minefield of infidelity A Great Question for the Hearing Impaired What to do if you have LOTS of money Join me on Facebook davidonfacebook Todays Quotes: The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered this is opportunity for growth I dont regret the things Ive done. I regret the things I didnt do when I had the chance We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, some lessons are painful, some are painless But all are priceless Go where you are celebrated not tolerated. If they cant see the real value of you, Its time for a new start. Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace amp gratitude Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster youtubewatchvQFXJe8XAIi0 WWOOF ing wwoof WELCOME TO WWOOF WWOOF is an exchange 8211 In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles. WWOOF organizations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help. Many countries have national WWOOF groups. Look in the drop down menu or list below to find where they are. Other countries have hosts 8211 but no national WWOOF group as yet You can find out more about these by going here Make a difference Get involved Join WWOOF Think local 8211 act global Songs: The Lovecats The Cure As Stevie Wonder I Believe in You Songs for the Philippines (Kylie Minogue) Suddenly I see KT. Posted by Casey on 5:11 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Gratitude. Happiness. Podcasts Comments Off on 243 8211 Solo 8211 David Steindl-Rast The Secret to Happiness On todays show David explores the connection between Happiness and Gratitude and through the amazing work of David Steindl-Rast shares a very simple three step system that will allow you to be present enough to truly experience gratitude and happiness What you will Learn on Todays Show: Which comes first, Happiness or Gratitude How Gratitude Works A Simple Three Step System that Will Allow you To Truly Live Gratitude Some of Davids Stories of Gratitude in real life situations Some great songs from country to Bing Crosby Dedication: Albert Riddle amp Family Todays Quotes: Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to Be without it for a while What I focus on Expands How to have a great day 1) Wake up 2) Be Grateful Todays Songs: Johnny Cash 8211 Thanks a Lot Bing Crosby 8211 Thanks (With Jimmie Grier amp his Orchestra) Amy Grant amp John Hiatt 8211 Thank Someone Chatham Country Line 8211 Than ks Bob Hope amp Shirley Ross 8211 Thanks for the Memories Todays Links: David Steindl-Rast TED Talk Want to be Happy Be Grateful tedtalksdavidsteindlrastwanttobehappybegrateful. html The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy, says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. And happiness, he suggests, is born from gratitude. An inspiring lesson in slowing down, looking where youre going, and above all, being grateful. Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, meditates and writes on 8220the gentle power8221 of. On todays show David is excited to be talking to Margo Talbot. Margo is a writer and climber living in Canmore, Alberta, where she immerses herself in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. She spends her time speaking writing and teaching people hot to climb. A sponsored athlete with Outdoor Research, her goal is to introduce as many people as possible to the activity that literally saved her life. Margo credits physical activity and her relationship with nature as the driving forces in her healing journey through addiction and depression, a journey chronicled in her tell-all expose, All That Glitters. On Todays show Margo will share: Her struggles with depression, through her teens, in her 20s and early 30s What is cause-based depression How she experienced joy for the first time The importance of surrounding yourself with POSITIVE, happy people, being outdoors, eating healthy Our culture and childhood depression Facing suicide, and feeling hopelessness Struggling with addictions from a young age Steps to live a Happier Life The importance of trusting yourselves What an amazing podcast. Margos words are beautiful, she is encouraging, strong and loves nature. She will describe her book All That Glitters: A Climbers Journey through Addiction and Depression and how it can help others who are suffering. Useful links: allthatglittersbookabout Warren Macdonald Incredible Story thekickasslifepodcasts208-warren-macdonald-survives-thrives-and-inspires Todays Songs: Boomtown Rats 8211 I dont like Mondays John Denver 8211 Rocky Mountain High Todays Quotes: EXPRESSING GRATITUDE Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. 8211 William Arthur Ward THE VIRTUE OF THANKFULNESS A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. 8211 Cicero THE SPARK FROM OTHERS At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. 8211 Albert Schweitzer WHAT TO BE THANKFUL FOR Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didnt learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didnt learn a little, at least we didnt get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didnt die so, let us all be thankful. 8211 Buddha SILENT GRATITUDE Silent gratitude isnt very much to anyone. 8211 Gertrude Stein WHY BEING GRATEFUL IS GOOD FOR YOU Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life. 8211 Oprah Winfrey THE LINK BETWEEN ART AND GRATITUDE 8220The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. 8211 Friedrich Nietzsche LIVING BY GRATITUDE As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. 8211 John F. Kennedy GRATITUDE VS. THANKFULNESS Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts. 8211 Henri Frederic Amiel. Posted by Casey on 7:30 pm in 600 Seconds. Culture. Gratitude. Podcasts Comments Off on 241 8211 600 Second 8211 Cultural Challenge David explores culture today and offers you a cultural challenge this week that could open up all kinds of wonderful new connections. He also shares some comedy from Jerry Seinfeld and some amazing fun facts from England, Poland, Zambia, Italy and the USA. What You Will Learn on Todays Show How David connected with and invited a total stranger from Kenya to his home for dinner What happened the day that David was given his Canadian passport A story of David and a Polish taxi driver who refused to let him pay. Full Hour of Stand Up with Jerry Seinfeld youtubewatchvNS2waCMeokE Todays Songs Queen 8211 Crazy Little Things Called Love Queen 8211 I Want to Break Free Todays Challenge This is your chance to make a new friend from a different culture, to get to know them and their traditions and invite them to come and break bread with you and your family in your own unique cultural way. The KickAss Life Gratitude Week 8211 Monday: Culture Share your story with our community on our Facebook page (DavidOnFacebook) and tell us what you are most grateful for about your culture. Thanks in advance for. Posted by Casey on 1:20 am in Assk Dave. Podcasts. Relationships Comments Off on 240 8211 Assk Dave (038 Jen) 8211 Teen Suicide, Negative Friends, Training with David On todays show David amp Jen will answer your questions that you have posted on Fb and also share some great songs, awesome quotes and important links. Todays Questions Include Understanding Teen Suicide amp How You Can Help Designing Your Life amp Letting go of Negative Friends Whats on David amp Jens Bucket List MLM - Pyramid Schemes vs Legitimate Companies How to Build Residual Income How to get to train with David and help him realize one of his personal goals Join me on Facebook davidonfacebook Todays Quotes: Sometimes things fall apart So that better things can fall together Sometimes you need to distance yourself So that you can see more clearly When a person wants to be a part of your life, They will make an obvious effort to do so Think Twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make the effort to stay As we grow we realize Its less important to have more friends and more important To have real ones Todays Links: MLM Myth Buster youtubewatchvQFXJe8XAIi0 Suicide Hotline amp Tips about suicide LA 10-15-13.pdf International Suicide Hotlines suicide. orginternational-suicide-hotlines. html Songs: Christina Ag uillera 8211 We Remain Kiss 8211 I was made for loving you youtubewatchvCmELf8DJAVY (Kiss Video) Tiny Tim 8211 Living in the sunlight, Lovin in the. Posted by Casey on 10:28 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Podcasts. Uncategorized Comments Off on 239 8211 Solo 8211 Dan Gilbert8217s Surprise on Happiness Inspired by a conversation he had a few days ago David delves deeper into the science of happiness and shows through science that happiness in the end is a choice regardless of what happens to us. What you will learn in todays show: The difference in happiness between a paraplegic and a lottery winner What science has to say about happiness and our ability to create it Davids philosophy on responding well versus reacting poorly in challenging or catastrophic situations A story about being trapped in an Elevator A Story about Davids car accident that made him fall out of the car laughing The possibility of an elegant separation A call to action for you to create more happiness in your life A great story of triumph over adversity that was shared in Marci Schimoffs show 3 Marci Schimoff Happy For No Reason Show 3 thekickasslifepodcasts003-marci-shimoff Dan Gilberts TED Talk and his surprising findings tedtalksdangilbertaskswhyarewehappy. html Dans Book Stumbling on Happiness Todays Songs: Howlin Wolf 8211 Smokestack Lightning Howlin Wolf 8211 Spoonful Howlin Wolf 8211 Back Door Man Todays Quotes: Happiness is an attitude we either make ourselves miserable or happy and strong. The amount of work is exactly the same With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened to you as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. 8211Dr. Wayne W. Posted by Casey on 2:39 pm in Family. Finance. Interview Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 238 8211 Hyrum W. Smith 8211 Seeing Reality And Taking Control Today David is excited to be interviewing Co-Founder amp Former CEO of Franklin Covey, Hyrum Smith. Hyrum lives in Gunlock, Utah on his 2000-acre cattle ranch. He is a highly sought after keynote speaker and author. For nearly three decades he has been motivating people to see reality more clearly and to gain better control of their personal and professional lives. Hyrums speeches and presentations have been acclaimed by American and international audiences. Hyrums engaging delivery combines wit and enthusiasm with a gift for communicating powerful concepts that have lasting value and help bring about personal change. His keynote speeches on the need for clear perception and the link between beliefs and behavior have been taught to thousands of audiences worldwide. On todays show you will learn: How you can become an expert in Time Management. What you CAN Control. Identifying your CORE, what matters most to you What are YOUR Values Feeling an emotional connection in what ever you do The 3 steps to writing your own personal constitution. That you have choices of how you react. Hyrum has beautiful energy and shares touching stories of his family. You dont want to miss this great show Useful links: hyrumsmith Pain Is Inevitable And Misery Is Optional The Power of Perception 8211 6 Rules of Behavior Change Songs: Garth Brooks 8211 Thunder Rolls Garth Brooks 8211 The. Posted by Casey on 6:58 pm in 600 Seconds. Balance. Podcasts Comments Off on 237 8211 600 Seconds 8211 Don Miguel Ruiz Today, David explores Miguels work from his International best seller The Four Agreements and challenges you to keep them all week and see how it impacts your life In the photo for todays show you will see Don Miguel Ruiz and his amazing Life Partner, Mike Dooley, Lisa Nicols and of course David hanging out having tons of fun. This is a testament of the joy that can be in your life by following the Four Agreements. Todays Book: The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz Songs: The Doors 8211 Riders of the Storm The Doors 8211 Light My Fire The Four Agreements Summary: 1. Be Impeccable with Your Word Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. Impeccable means without sin and a sin is something you do or believe that goes against yourself. It means not speaking against yourself, to yourself or to others. It means not rejecting yourself. To be impeccable means to take responsibility for yourself, to not participate in the blame game. Regarding the word, the rules of action-reaction apply. What you put out energetically will return to you. Proper use of the word creates proper use of energy, putting out love and gratitude perpetuates the same in the universe. The converse is also true. Impeccability starts at home. Be impeccable with yourself and that will reflect in your life and your relationships with others. This agreement can help change thousands of other agreements, especially ones that create fear instead of love. 2. Don8217t Take Anything Personally Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won8217t be the victim of needless suffering. We take things personally when we agree with what others have said. If we didn8217t agree, the things that others say would not affect us emotionally. If we did not care about what others think about us, their words or behavior could not affect us. Even if someone yells at you, gossips about you, harms you or yours, it still is not about you Their actions and words are based on what they believe in their personal dream. Our personal Book of Law and belief system makes us feel safe. When people have beliefs that are different from our own, we get scared, defend ourselves, and impose our point of view on others. If someone gets angry with us it is because our belief system is challenging their belief system and they get scared. They need to defend their point of view. Why become angry, create conflict, and expend energy arguing when you are aware of this 3. Don8217t Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. When we make assumptions it is because we believe we know what others are thinking and feeling. We believe we know their point of view, their dream. We forget that our beliefs. Another installment of The Assk Dave and Jen Show that allows you to assk any question that is on your mind, from the boardroom, to the bedroom, from serious to light. There are no question that is out of bounds, so make sure you assk Dave a question and dont forget to request a song and dedicate it to someone you LOVE. Here are some of the Questions that were asked on Today8217s show How to deal with stressful situations Finding balance in a busy life What to look for when going into business with a friend How to have deeper conversations How to chose a Network Marketing company Can we see some funny pictures of David during his 10.5 year travels Your Songs on Todays Show: Dave Mathews Band 8211 Shake Me Like a Monkey One Republic 8211 Counting Stars Dashing Secret 8211 Dead End (Youtube) Todays Quotes: 8220Youve gotta dance like theres nobody watching Love like youll never get hurt Sing Like theres nobody listening And live like its heaven on earth8221 William W. Purkey 8220Im selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best.8221 Marilyn. Posted by Casey on 1:59 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 235 8211 Steven Covey, The 13 Habits of HIGH Trust David is inspired after meeting Steven M R Covey and discussing his Bestselling book The Speed of Trust to share the 13 principles. Listen in and enjoy as he add his own Kickass spin to the habits and how they can affect us in our personal and professional life. David also shares a recent TED talk (See Link below) on the subject of being trustworthy. The Band today is COLDPLAY (See Links Below) Quote if the Day: 8220A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.8221 Book: The Speed of Trust by Steven M. R. Covey 1. Talk Straight Say what is on your mind. Dont hide your agenda. When we talk straight we tell the truth and leave the right impression. Most employees don8217t think their bosses communicate honestly. This creates a trust tax. This causes speed to go down and costs to go up. We spend entirely too much time trying to decipher truth from spin. Straight talk needs to be paired with tact. There is no excuse for being so blunt you hurt feelings and destroy relationships. Tact is a skill that can be learned and when coupled with straight talk, will build relationship trust. 2. Demonstrate Respect The principle behind demonstrating respect is the value of the individual. The behavior is acting out the Golden Rule. Almost every culture and religion recognizes the value of the Golden Rule. We should treat people the way we want to be treated. Our actions should show we care. They should be sincere. People will notice if an action is motivated by a lesser reason or an impure value. Respect is demonstrated in the little things we do daily. 3. Create Transparency Tell the truth in a way that can be verified. Transparency is based on principles of honesty, openness, integrity and authenticity. It is based on doing things in the open where all can see. Part of transparency is sharing information. If ever in question, err on the side of disclosure. Rollin King, founder of Southwest Airlines states, We adopted the philosophy that we wouldnt hide anything, not any of our problems, from the employees. Thats transparency. 4. Right Wrongs To right a wrong is much more than apologizing. It involves making restitution. With customers it may include that free gift along with the sincere apology. We have all been to a restaurant where we received an apology along with a free dessert or a coupon for something free the next time we eat there. It is the principle of going the extra mile. Some will justify their wrongful behavior while others will try covering up their misdeeds. Both of these attempts will not only fail to make deposits in trust ac - counts, but are certain to make substantial withdrawals. 5. Show Loyalty There are many ways to show loyalty to your employees. Covey focuses on two. First, give credit to others. As a leader you need to give credit to the individuals responsible for success. A leader should never take credit for the hard work of others. Just as bad is the one who gives credit to someone in their presence, but then down-plays their contribution to others. Giving credit to others is the right thing to do. It will. Posted by Casey on 8:56 am in Finance. Interview Shows. Leaders are Readers. Uang. Podcasts Comments Off on 234 8211 Courtney Smith 8211 The Keys for Creating Huge Wealth Through Investing David is very excited and grateful to be interviewing Courtney Smith all the way from KualaLumpur. Courtney is an Expert in INVESTMENT. He is a world renown trader, author of eight books, money manager, educator, and speaker. He is the only person in history to have a high ranked mutual fund, stock picking newsletter, futures newsletter, and hedge fund. Mr. Smith is also chairman of WealthBuilder LLC, an organization that is devoted to building great investors. The company provides training and mentoring for individual and institutional investors in stocks, futures, options and foreign exchange. Mr. Smith has appeared on over 1000 TV shows and spoken at hundreds of events. On Todays show we will learn: What it means to be an investor Changing your mindset around money, and some steps to follow Trading and Your Ego Why you should follow simple rules of investing Who can out perform the Professionals Go to sites like Investopedia and find out more on what you can learn Ensure you are learning from a great teacher The importance of giving yourself 15 minutes a day to focus and learn, and can you do it Saving money, creating a habit Courtney will share great stories of his experiences on TV and around the world. Make sure you go to Courtneys website to connect with him and be sure to sign up for his daily E-Letters to learn so much more about investing and saving money. Useful links: Courtney Smith 8211 Five Golden Keys of Investment Success (How-To Turbo Charge Your Investing) 8211 FREE CD How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange: A Guaranteed Income For Life by Courtney Smith Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity Options by Courtney Smith How to say thanks and connect with Courtney Smith: courtneysmith courtneydsmith Songs: 8216Cabaret8217 8211 Money, Money Lady Gaga 8211 Money Honey. Posted by Casey on 7:15 pm in 600 Seconds. Balance. Podcasts Comments Off on 233 8211 600 Seconds 8211 Smart Goal Setting In this podcast, David explores a book by his good friend Brian Klemmer and examines chapter seven on Balance and setting goals. What you will learn on Todays Show: The importance of setting Physical, Emotional, Spiritual amp Mental Goals Why truth plays a part in setting effective goals How to effectively define Emotional Spiritual and Mental Goals How to relate more Effectively to a loved one Where David is out of Balance Book: If How-tos Were Enough We Would All Be Skinny, Rich amp Happy by Brian Klemmer Songs: Van Halen 8211 Dont Tell Me (What Love Can Do) Comedy: Monty Python The Four Yorkshire Men (Youtube). Posted by Casey on 4:09 pm in Assk Dave. Parenting. Podcasts Comments Off on 232 8211 Assk Dave (and Jen)- Your Questions from Facebook In their last day in Australia for this trip, Dave and Jen answer questions and requests from all of you kick ass life practitioners. In this episode you will learn: How can you trust a teacher who talks a good talk, but does not necessarily walk that same talk And should you When you get kicked down or when lose everything when you are lost, how do you get the strength to keep going How do you get past your loss to help others when you feel you are not achieving what you want, but people look up to you I have a 6 year old son, and his father has gambling addiction. Should I some how share this with my some positive way Or, should I keep my son completely away Relating to Multilevel Marketing, how do I get the people I bring into an organization to embrace it fully and use the tools and resources to help them succeed Today8217s Songs Midnight Oil 8211 Beds Are Burning Telepopmusik 8211 Breathe Xavier Rudd 8211 Messages If You8217re Happy and You Know. Posted by Casey on 2:29 pm in 30 Minute Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 231 8211 The 5 Levels of Leadership To Grow Your Success In this podcast, David explores the 5 Levels of Leadership that are critical for everyone to learn togrow their personal success and live the life they truly want. Leadership is an essential part of any successful and happy life no matter what you do, all the way from the corporate world like Sir Richard Branson to a life of service like Mother Theresa. Here are the 5 Levels of Leadership that David explores: Level 1 8211 Position Leader (People follow you because they have to) Level 2 8211 Permission Leader (People follow you because they want to) Level 3 8211 Production Leader (People follow you because of the success youve created for the organization) Level 4 8211 People Development Leader (People follow you because of what you have done for them) Level 5 8211 Pinnacle Leader (People follow you because of who you are and what you represent) In this podcast you will learn: What all 5 levels of leadership mean How to identify what type of leader you are now What is required for each level of leadership What questions to ask yourself and what habits to work on to increase your leadership level Importance of momentum when building your leadership and influence How to let go in order to grow Music: The 5 Best Selling Albums of all time Michael Jackson 8211 Thriller Pink Floyd 8211 The Dark Side of the Moon Eagles 8211 Their Greatest Hi ts (1971-1975) AC DC 8211 Back in Black Bee Gees 8211 Saturday Night. Posted by David Wood on 4:31 pm in Interview Shows. Podcasts Comments Off on 230 8211 Team Building Through Leadership with Shawn Stratton Today David is excited to be interviewing Shawn Stratton. Shawn is the president of LiveMore Group, an organization that helps people maximize their potential and productivity. He is an international team-building and leadership consultant and bestselling author. Shawn is driven by a love for experiential education, adventure, and teambuilding. Shawn has devoted 15 years to leading over 2000 days of wilderness expeditions into some of the worlds harshest environments as a senior instructor with the National Outdoor Leadership School and other international organizations. On todays show Shawn will share: What means to be part of a team, the importance of teams, being in love with your team Team Building through Leadership Most challenges you cant do on your own Building trust Feet Forward and what this means and how it can help you Giving feedback in a good way The importance of knowing your role Love every day and what youre are doing today What a great show, Shawn will take you back on how he got started on his journeys and adventures. Shawns book is a MUST READ, Teams on the Edge: Stories and Lessons From Wilderness Expeditions was released this year and became an instant bestseller on Amazon. Useful links: shawnstratton. ca amazon. caTeams-Edge-Shawn-Strattondp0991740904 twitterSStratton1 youtubewatchvBtGbE6JJHXI facebookTeamsOnTheEdge. Posted by David Wood on 5:18 pm in Assk Dave. Podcasts Comments Off on 229 8211 Assk Dave (and Jen)- Your Questions from Facebook David and Jen tackle your facebook questions today from the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Coolum. What you will learn on Todays show: A temporary way to make money Why systemizing a business is so important How David started his first business An offer to be coached to train wealth How to impact peoples health without losing your sanity Why getting people does not work How to Really help and impact people by asking better questions How to help people when they come for advice When great opportunities show up how do I handle the FEAR What See You on The Other Side means. Why Saying YES is so important Dealing with a Negative influence from a Spouse Quote: 8220You Cant say the right thing to the wrong person8221 Todays Songs: Born to be Wild 8211 Steppenwolf Borrow My Heart Taylor Hendersen Minor Swing Django Reinhardt Book: E-Myth Revisited 8211 Michael Gerber Click to listen to a Great Show about David amp Jens travels and adventures through Thailand. Posted by David Wood on 4:37 pm in Podcasts Comments Off on 228 8211 The Thai Experience Lessons on How to Engage Your Senses and Expand Your Range On this show, David discusses his real experiences in Thailand to share some of the methods of how to take your life to the next level and truly live a truly kick ass life. These amazing experiences includeeating amazing Thai foodmeeting strange peopleexperiencing authentic Thai boxingriding elephantsand last, but no where near leasteating bugs Show Notes: On this show, David discusses his real experiences in Thailand to share some of the methods of how to take your life to the next level and truly live a truly kick ass life. These amazing experiences includeeating amazing Thai foodmeeting strange peopleexperiencing authentic Thai boxingriding elephantsand last, but no where near leasteating bugs Through experiences like these (that can be had by everyone), living a kick ass life is about trying something brand new, embracing the craziness of the unknownstep into the nooks and cranniesturn left when you should turn right8230being willing to cuddle a tiger, jump on a moped and go somewhere new, to trying foods you wouldn8217t eat at homeand just saying yes to the new experiences. This is how to squeeze the juice out of life and light yourself up from the inside out. What you will experience with David and Jen on Todays show the full spa experience the Thai marketplace a Thai boxing match an Elephant ride down a steep decent cuddling a tiger and many more Useful links Ko Samui, Thailand. Posted by David Wood on 7:24 pm in Money. Podcasts Comments Off on 227 8211 Brenton Hayden 8211 Achieving Big Business Success While Keeping Personal Freedom Today David is excited to be interviewing Brenton Hayden. Brenton is the CEO and Founder of Renters Warehouse, a FOURTIME honoree of the INC. 5005000 list. At 28, this young entrepreneur leads his team of over 100 employees and franchisees in seven states to see gross revenues of 12.5 million. With a portfolio of managed properties valued around 500 million and 1.5 billion in residential leasing transactions, its no surprise that this Harvard Business School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8211 Sloan School of Management graduate was named the youngest franchisor in America by INC. Magazine in 2011 at the age of 25. Brentons expert marketing skills and entrepreneurial spirit have largely contributed to the success of his company, earning Renters Warehouse numerous awards in real estate and business. On todays show Brenton will share the following: Why so many people yearn to be a entrepreneur What is freedom to Brenton Creating a culture How he got into Real Estate Asking yourself the right questions to become an entrepreneur amp what is stopping you Being happy and doing the things you want to do How YOU can purchase a franchise from Brenton and what qualifications you would need. Taking risks to become successful Create effortless experiences You dont want to miss this show, Brenton is very intelligent and full of knowledge and insight on how like him, you can run a VERY successful business and have personal freedom at the same time. Useful links: linkedininbrentonhayden renterswarehouse brenton-hayden professionallandlords. Posted by David Wood on 2:43 pm in 600 Seconds. Podcasts. Travel Comments Off on 226 8211 Change Your Life by Saying YES David explores on todays show the power in two of the worlds smallest yet most important words Yes and No. He also set up this weeks challenge that could easily change your life and certainly add more vibrancy and fun. What you will learn on Todays show One of Davids most important yes8217 Why a NO may be needed in order to make space for a YES The Power of the UNKNOWN A concern David has with his own children Some of the Yess that David will be saying this week to tick off on his bucket list The importance of going first Music Pichit Paiboon 8211 Thai Phukoa A Authentic Thailand Vol. 2 A TED Talk Recommendation.
